Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Peru: Day 5

Peru: Day 5

Last day of medical clinics were held at villa el Salvador.  Eye clinic had 39 individuals; medical 22; dental 25 and 39 people went to the spiritual talk with 6 new believers!  The sewing ministry started this afternoon and the children enjoyed crafts and games. Mario had an opportunity to do some painting on the 3rd floor of the church.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Peru: Day 4

Peru: Day 4   Another fantastic day in Peru.  Clinics were held in Chavin today.  There were 96 individuals who had vitals taken; 69 people got eyeglasses today; 55 got fluoride toothbrushes and toothpaste; 28 children did crafts; 45 in medical; 6 rededicated their life to Jesus and 22 came to know the Lord today. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Peru: Day 3

Peru: Day 3
The first day of clinics brought lots of activity in Brisas.  The eye clinic saw 53 people; dental clinic treated 85 people; medical examined 53 people; 30 children attended activities but most exciting news of all?  Satan lost 26 souls. Yes, 26 individuals accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

Peru: Day 2

Peru: Day 2

Great turnout at worship service today. Over 80 adults and 30 children.  Pam and Brenda shared their testimonies then Mario led us in worship. Pastor Tito Torres closed the service with communion.  The team went throughout Villa el Salvador making preparations for the medical clinics that will start tomorrow.

Peru: Day 1

Peru: Day 1

After 39 hours of travel and 7 meals we are out on the mission fields in Lima Peru!  We held children festivals in Chavin and Brisas with the largest first day turnout in both places. We had 25&30 respectively.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Malawi: Report #12

Malawi Mission Report #12
     In case you are wondering where report 11 is, Curt filed that one in my behalf yesterday.
     Today was to be a restful day at Lake Malawi. However, there was some business for Curt and me. We stopped by the Baptist Clinic in Salima, about 2 hours outside Lillongwe, to meet with the director. She spoke with us for a while about details relating to the health station Curt is planning in Kamoyo. There was much good information, including guidance on obtaining medicines, the best site in the village for the dispensary, staffing issues, and the like. We then made our way to the Sunbird Resort on the shores of the Lake. The setting is beautiful. On the horizon are low, vague mountains, the border of Mozambique. The waters of the lake are blue with gentle waves at the shore. Some of us spent time on the sandy beach while others sat up at the table awaiting our lunch. There was the occasional monkey, and a couple of small but determined birds were trying to make away with the rolls.
     On the way back we stopped at a row of vendors selling wood carvings, reed items, and the like. Bargains were to be had, and everyone shopped for gifts and memories. Then away and back to Lillongwe, to the Msamba guest house.
     Tonight dinner was at Msamba, and we dined with Pastor Blackson, Peter, and Lewis—all from our Malawian team. Curt and I discussed the health station and some possibilities for church planting and leadership in Chiwoza and Mkangamira.
     I will not have access to this computer to send these reports after tonight. Curt will probably follow-up tomorrow with his iPad
     Matters for praise: It has been a good trip, with many people—children, youth, and adults, reached with the Gospel. We are all of us thankful for God’s call and blessing on our work here. I wish you could see these ladies and young people in action! You have sent a great team to the villages here.
     Matters for prayer: Please continue to pray for our safety in travel. Tomorrow we minister half-day in a neighborhood, then say our good-byes to out interpreters/friends. Sunday we are away to the states.
     Thank you again for praying with us. You share in the results of our work here.
Ray Smith
Malawi Team


India 1 Team: Day 8

India 1 Team: Day 8  
     We had the opportunity to visit a Tibetan history museum today. It really opened our eyes to all the strife and hardships that the Tibetans have had to face as a result of the Chinese overtaking their country and, it helped us understand their mindset, especially when it comes to spiritual things.
     In addition, we visited a Buddhist monastery and temple. Practically everywhere we looked we saw prayer wheels, flags, or mantras with hundreds of people trying to earn themselves more merit. It is heartbreaking to see so many lost people, trusting in their own works to "save" them. Praise God for making a way of salvation for us, not dependent our own good deeds, but only through His Son!
     In the evening we got the chance to have dinner with a God-honoring family and another brother in Christ, encouraging them and also being encouraged. It was a blessing and challenge to be able to see how this family is following God in this country and impacting those around them.
Hannah Seaton
India 1 Team

India 1 Team: Day 7

India 1: Day 7
   Today our team, accompanied by Dave and Mary, flew to a mountainous region in Northern India. We flew up together and admired the breath taking landscape of the mountains. The air at a higher elevation was refreshing to the team after being in Delhi for the last week.  It is very green in Northern India and there are so many species of birds/eagles as well as baboons and elephants.  
   Later in the day we walked up from our hotel on very steep hills to see more of the area and have dinner with new friends. It was very encouraging to hear the two brothers in Christ stories about their testimony. They are political refugees. They aren't afforded many rights in India, they weren't given any documentation to solidify themselves as citizens of any nation. When they learned about Christ and his rescuing love their lives were transformed. It was encouraging to hear their faith and their mission to learn more by going to school so that they can better defend their faith.
   It has been apparent for us on this trip of the expansiveness of God's kingdom and it has been a blessing to hear so many stories from believers. We are praying for opportunities to interact and connect with the people of the area and to see Christ glorified in that. We ask for your continued prayer for our team as we approach the last few days of our travel.
India 1 Team
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3