Thursday, July 30, 2015

Peru: Days 1-5

Day One:  The team arrived on Saturday morning to an amazing welcome at the airport from the members of the church we have come to serve. There were signs welcoming us, hugs to share and lots of excitement on both sides. After a quick stop at the hotel and a fantastic lunch, we headed directly to the mission field, visiting children at two different locations (Chivan and Brisas). Games were played, Bible stories were shared and songs were learned in both English and Spanish. It was an incredible start to the trip!


Day Two:  We were at church early Sunday, and once again, we were blown away by the spirit and open arms of the church members. Pastor Tito and the band did an incredible job praising the Lord and getting us all involved. The Pastor translated for Sam as he shared a message about coming to know Jesus. The church prepared an incredible meal for us and we enjoyed sitting down to a lunch full of fellowship and laughter. We were happy to hear that two people made professions of faith on Sunday. That evening, Pastor Tito and his wife Mariani showed us a local attraction, the National Water Park, which is in the Guinness Book of Records for having both the most complex set of water fountains as well as the highest single jet of water in a fountain. It was awesome!  The fountains were beautifully lit and many were interactive. We completely enjoyed the experience.

Day 3: Monday morning found us setting up our first medical/dental/vision clinic in the neighborhood of Brisas, in the home of one of the church members. Two Peruvian dentists and a Peruvian doctor and nurse came to help minister to the people that flocked to the clinic.  It was an incredibly long day, but many people were seen and most importantly, 23 people accepted Jesus and their Lord and Savior!

Day 4:  Tuesday we headed out once more to another missions center in Chavin, setting up in the home of another church member. Once again, it was another very long day that had many people treated for ailments they would not have had the opportunity to had seen otherwise. Children flooded the street outside the home and filled the air with laughter.  It was humbling to have the woman of the house invite us all to sit in her house and share our meal at lunch time. Again, the most amazing number the day was that another 23 came to know Jesus!

Day 5:  The last day of clinics finished up at the church in the morning. We were blessed one more day to have amazing Peruvian team members helping us by translating, filling in wherever required and basically modeling Christ's love. In the afternoon, the sewing ministry began after lunch and went until late in the evening as the ladies involved  were determined to finish as many projects as they could in one sitting!  We cannot say enough good things about Pastor Tito, Mariani and the people of this church. It has been an amazing trip to this point and we are praying for God's strength, courage and protection as we look to finish strong!
The Peru Mission Team


Monday, July 6, 2015


Montreal Day 1 & 2
Wednesday is traditionally moving day in Montreal.  Our team along with four other teams moved 20 families most who were not Christians and unchurched.  Our team with help from 4 teens from another church moved 2 families amid an almost all day rainstorm.  Refrigerators, washers, dryers and stoves had to be moved up and down many flights of stairs; along with beds, sofas and all personal items.  One of the recipients, a single mother, was so thankful for our help. She wanted to know all about Le Contact Church who had showed her such love in her desperate need for help in moving.

Excellent day on Thursday. We painted the office facilities at le Contact church and built bookshelves.  Friday we will be at LaChapelle church doing various jobs at their new office facilities