Friday, December 28, 2012


      The team arrived safely and on time. Everyone is doing well and excited about beginning work here in Asia.

     A local, house church pastor and his wife met us at the airport (11:30 p.m. locally) and we stopped by a restaurant for noodle soup and conversation about their ministry. Excited to hear how God is using this church to impact it's community.

    As exciting as this news was, our hearts are heavy as we received e-mails detailing severe persecution in another part of the country. Many were beaten, leader was jailed, and much damage was done to their meeting place. Please pray for these brothers and sisters as they strive to do the will of the Father!

   Also, please pray for our meetings over the next couple of days as well as our times of worship. Pray that these times of worship will be sweet and an encouragement to all of us.

To God Be The Glory!
Team Asia

Thursday, August 16, 2012

West Virginia #4

In the morning - the team cleaned the church building and in the afternoon they hosted a Block Party for the local community.

West Virginia #3

See I am worth something. Sam, Gary, Pastor Dan, and the Maintenance man from the apartment building worked together to rebuild the rotted table, and then we stained it. 

West Virginia #2

Team memebrs putting their building skills to good use.  Here they are rebuilding a picnic table for the Yellow Bud Apartments patio area.

West Virginia Update

This day we had twelve children show up for our Vacation Bible School.

West Virginia

Here is our Fearless West Virginia Missions Team - ready to serve.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ukraine Day 10

      Waiting around hotel until flight later today.   See you soon.  

      34 People now get to have a more abundant live here and will spend an eternity in heaven thanks to all your prayers and financial assistance.  Thanks to all of you reading this for your obedience to God to support this mission trip. God bless all of you and to God be the Glory!

In Christ,

Mike Kynett

Ukraine Day 9

     Up early, rain!  Rain held off the whole time we were here.  Rain all the way to Kiev, so shopping on the cobblestone souviner street by the big Greek Orthodox Church was in the rain as was the visit to the outside of the war museum.   Then off to the plane, over to Heathrow, quick luggage drop into hotel and whirlwind tour of London via the tube and walking.  Back about 11:30 Just before tube stopped running.

Ukraine Day 8

        The day started as usual, except this time we picked up those that accepted Christ in Miniki and one older man that knew he needed to start coming back to worship.  Then to Komany Brid..... too far to walk and they don't have cars or bicycles for transport. It is that poor.  

      Worship was great, mostly believers who needed the encouragement of group worship and fellowship.  Mike preached an encouragement sermon from Genisis 2 and 3 along with Luke 4, and a brief invitation which Vasily finished.  One woman repented (was saved) that had been attending about 5 months.  After that we were privileged enough to have the first of to be regular church lunches after the service.  The worship center became the fellowship hall for lunch.   We then waited while some were transported home, followed by a very full van back to Studenitza for a Baptism and Communion which Vasily and Mike served. 
Then we waited for others to be transported home followed by a full van back to the city.  Good bye to Julia as she goes off to University soon and Roma and Tanya. 

Ukraine Day 7

     A day of re-creation filled the day.  Jodi and Jane started by shopping for chili dinner that Jodi prepared to give Jane a break.  The ladies were dropped off to shop while the men started out with a visit to the Space Museum which was very interesting.  Those of you who remember Sputnik and the puppies of the Space Dogs being presented to JFK's wife by Kruchev would have appreciated it.  We spent a large sum of money to develop the ball point pen for space... the Soviets used a pencil.  

    Then we all met up at the 3 story mall to shop, followed by the Candy factory.  A creek / riverside picnic complete with hammocks, volleyball, and a little hiking followed.   We finally got a great picture of the entire Vasily and Jane family, and parents less Jane's father.  Truly a great day was had by all.  

      Home again for Jodi's Chili, fresh salad and Ice cream.  We will be glad when we can stop eating like feasting kings!  A virtual tour of the War Museum in Kiev, Ukraine followed which I recommend everyone view.  It is quite sobering. Here is the link We planned on visiting this museum in Kiev in person but it is closed on Mondays.  Thus the virtual tour.  We will probably tour the outside on Monday. 

Tomorrrow service in Komeny Brid, lunch and baptism.   

Ukraine Day 6

     Well by now you have seen pictures on Facebook and heard from most of the team if you are family.  You pretty much know our routine by now so just the high points.
     Today was a magnificent Day!!!!   The obedience of FBCN has allowed this field mission team to serve in Ukraine and see a great harvest.  In Studenitza 13 of the original 45 came forward to "Repent" or receive Christ even though some of the 45 who started the week had to leave yesterday. 
    At Miniki-  Today after afternoon VBS we had an evangelistic service for the people of the town.  Today Addy and Bronson along with Julia walked the town inviting them to the service.  
   Well we had about 50 people in the service of all ages.  Jane translated the sermon which Mike preached, after testimonies from Bronson and Jodi, and a beautiful song by Anna. 10 people came forward to repent or receive Christ and prayed the sinners prayer with Vasily.   Two were in service at the VBS yesterday afternoon, but came forward today.
   And we still have one service to go day the after tomorrow in Kominy Brid!. In many towns like Miniki, only a very few have cars.  I hope someone has a van!
We all thank God for the privilege of being used by God in this way Today.
In Christ,
Mike Kynett 

Ukraine Day 5

Clean shirts- Yea- they dried overnight.  Jane fixed a gourmet breakfast again, while Vasily was out the door even earlier than us to pick up supplies.  Some needed more coffee than others to start off the day as the sleep deficit has accumulated.  There was a disturbance one night recently after all were fast asleep, and It seems that Jodi and Alicia's room has the right acoustics to make fireworks sound just like gunfire.  We all had a laugh and will leave the rest to your imagination until Jodi can tell you her story personally. 

 We welcome the 5 flights of stairs each morning to get our blood flowing, especially since it is downstairs.  Julia our translator greeted us once again in the fresh morning air among the flowers rainbow of flowers standing tall in between the paths of the High rise buildings around us. Off we go to the main street for Vasily to pick up the whole team.  Smiling faces again greet us at Studenitza as the children swing on the Iron gate with even more practiced hello.   Today we throw some a curve by saying Good Morning!
Set up was quick with all saying hi to their new found friends. How easy it is to love the smiling faces of these children.  For many of them this is their big event of the year for travel and vacation as their families are too busy working. For some it is the first time away from home.  For those wanting to picture how many of all ages there were, picture about 45 children.

Songs started the day again. Jodi and Bronson talked about Christian fellowship in the Church, their witness by their actions and sometimes words and inviting others to church to come and see.  Anna and Jane did great jobs translating and keeping their attention while, as usual the rest of us sat/moved among the children to keep order and quiet/ focused attention.
They all pretty much have John 3:16 down and we have to be selective among who gets to come and recite for a prize.  This alone is an answer to prayer of hiding God's word in their heart even if they do not yet understand it or connect it to all the related lessons.

Jane, Alicia, Bronson and Cody are our Rec team. At rec, they pulled out the parachute so we made teams and just got some wiggles out.  Following that we played Simon Says with Jane and Roma leading.  Please don't ask me to spell Simon Says in Ukranian as this keyboard does not even have the symbols for those letters! This was followed by explaining the church is the body of believers, not the building and we all have functions as part of the body.   Alicia lead Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes game
Meanwhile Michelle and Addy joined Jodi and Anna as the crafts team inside, doing crafts that align with the lessons we tell each day.  By today as you might expect, the routine is becoming familiar to all, but still very exciting.   Following crafts/rec we had review time with prizes which is always fun. The friendships just get better over time with the kids.  Tomorrow will be invitation day.  So please pray hard for tomorrow.

Once the lesson and review were over, Bronson prepped them for tomorrow's invitation.  There was then some short free time prior to lunch.  Futbal was again done, with even the littlest ones playing with very lightweight flat Frisbee type discs made from fiber flex wire and material.  Today was extra special because there was a big cake after lunch was over. It's not that we are big on food as a team, It's just that they place so much of it in front of us with so much variety and freshness-family style.  They put Cracker Barrel to shame! 

After helping clean up we had a brief rest before heading out for Miniki!   The air was thick with anticipation as we knew today was the day of invitation for the children prior to parents being invited tomorrow.

Upon arrival, Alicia and Cody went with Julia door to door to invite adults to the service tomorrow at 5PM right after VBS.  Bronson and Jodi along with Jane and Anna each did one half of the Jesus died for us lesson, complete with Addy, Michelle and Cody holding up mountains and the cross filling in the great divide as a visual help.   Jodi was great, breaking the lesson up to keep their attention by asking questions right after she taught the point of Jesus dying and being put in the grave.  What a great team effort!

We scheduled rec with the older children outside first and the 8 and younger inside doing the salvation bracelet first.   Then the 8 and up came in and the young ones went with Anna out to do extended rec.   Just prior to joining our team Anna had just finished helping a Russian Church do VBS back in America with the same age group so she was very comfortable with these 8 children.  We told her rec was to go twice as long as the invitation would be given today.   So she makes sure they use the extra time by playing hide and seek!  Ask her how that went- I'm still laughing.  The terrain is like an old over grown area around a barn with a slight sloping hill in back.   In front, by the road, but inside the fence, young shirtless men had just finished cutting the tall grass with sickles(SP?).  And sharpened them with a piece of granite.  No lawn mowers here- it's sickles or farm animals do the cutting here. As we moved the rec time into the newly cut area, the resourceful older boys picked up the few blackberry bush cuttings and ate the berries.  Then back to the game at hand.
Invitation time.-Mike was most privileged to have the honor of doing the invitation.  Today for some reason only 20 or so of the 35 or so kids were there, Accounting for the little ones outside and those that decided not to come back from rec we had the perfect number to have them sit in every other seat.  Mike pulled a chair up with Jane as translator and we just got up close and personal with them.  God blessed the greatest true story ever told!   At the end Pastor Vasily brought the invitation home and 9 boys and 1 young lady came forward and prayed the sinners prayer.  Praise God!  Each of you parents, prayer warriors, contributors, teachers, mentors, and friends share in this Victory for Christ.  All of you have good reason as I said before to be very proud of EVERY member of this team.  They are being used of God mightily.

All for now- tomorrow the invitation for the children at Studenitza, Evangilism Service at Miniki and also an Evangilism Service at Kominy Brid!

Ukraine Day 4

     We rose early once again, had our quiet time and prayer as the big city noises of a city coming alive  wafted up from below and beyond.  Vasily left early to get supplies for the day, returning to pick us up for our daily outing. 
     At Studenezta, more help, smiles and hellos greeted our bus as we arrived.   Children were eager to come in and start again.  Jodi did a great job teaching how to pray complete with Skit illustration.  Anna once again did a super job of translating.  Also, Luke 11:5-8 was acted out by Bronson, Cody,  and Michelle were the sleeping family, while Addy knocked at the door. Very effective skit to teach boldness and persistence in prayer. The craft matched the lesson while the rec game outside was Jesus Flag Tag.  Upon reuniting all the children, even more had memorized John 3:16 overnight and stepped forward to the microphone to recite it.  Bold Children to be sure.   Near the end we reviewed John 3:16 with even more words covered with blue sticky notes.   It is all so amazing how these kids can be restless, having side conversations and being just a tad unruly, but when we hold that poster up of John 3:16 to recite it, all, virtually all stop , pay attention and almost all chime in.  The power of God’s word is truly awesome!
While we awaited another truly grand fresh food feast, we had some time.   Michelle and Addy were the queens of dress up.   Numerous girls took no end of delight in playing dress up with our bags of “What’s Different”clothes.   The girls took turns and even some boys were eager to play some dress up.  Meanwhile outside, Alicia had her own line choreography class and gymnastics class going on, just having great fun with a few of the girls.  By the time it was all said and done I have some bad news for Alicia, Melissa and Addy’s parents.  They have decided they have made such good friends here that they are just going to move in with their new friends, when we leave. (just kidding- but they are truly making these kind of relationship connections!
Outside the boys could not get enough of Jesus Flag Tag.  Eventually that gave way to Futbol (Soccer).  Even with the uneven ground out in front of the church and very long grass, they set  up field boundaries and goals with the flag tag flags.   Bronson and Cody played soccer endlessly until lunch broke the action.  Great Guy time!
Another lunch feast followed.  You would be amazed how much food these ladies can serve hot, to 45 children, our team, and all the local parents helping.  It is smaller than many of your kitchens by far and EVERYTHING is fresh from the field,  garden or hoof.   Truly amazing!
       Pack up- we did again, off to the maternity hospital to drop off food for Sasha’s wife and her friend, while Sasha was at work.  Great to see how the church here provides for it’s members.   Upon arrival at Miniki, the kids were in their seat again, eagerly awaiting.   Jodi taught a great lesson with Anna Translating about Jesus, born of  theVirgin Mary, who lived the perfect life and died for our sins, complete with story pictures.  We then used the prodigal son story as a skit on bad choices and the father taking the son back and forgiving him.  Alicia provided a ring for Father Michael to put on wayward son Cody’s hand.
     Jesus flag tag was a hit for both older and younger age groups and took up all the rec time available. After we returned the Penny Parachute Target game was played as motivation for answering lesson review questions.  Boys won here while girls won in Studenetza.
     Snacks were provided to all kids as we ended the day and invited them back tomorrow. 
Upon departure , we visited Komini Brid, and oh my what a transformation  Pastor Vasily and this body of believers has done to this derelict building, miraculously provided by God right in the center of Town.   A lot of sweat equity, sacrificial giving of members, along with $  donations from U.S.  have allowed this congregation to have even an indoor bathroom with running water and a kitchen with running water.   Most houses have wells with buckets and outhouses.   Only 2 rooms left in the building to be finished  that could be Bible Study rooms, but currently funds are not available.  Some came a long way just to meet us this afternoon for a few minutes to show their appreciation.   This town is at a crossroads, in the center of 4 smaller towns that can now come to this town for worship.
From there we went back to Jane and Vasily’s, had dinner, got into an interesting spiritual discussion or two and then Jodi got us back on track, leading planning for tomorrow’s VBS morning and afternoon.   What great ideas, Jodi, Cody and Alicia had.  Tomorrow we will hear from Addy, Melissa, and Anna to see if they have any additional ideas that might reach the children in either or both locations.

Ukraine Day 3

     Last night Jodi, Bronson, Alicia and Cody ventured out on their own and walked down the perfectly safe main road to Papa Vasily and Mama Leeda’s home where the other teammates are staying.   What adventurers we have on this trip.  Not even a translator!  Bronson and Cody kept them safe and they had cell phones.  Bold missionaries for which you can be proud.  They practiced for Tuesday’s morning and afternoon VBS presentations at the park in front of Mama Leena’s to be sure everything was in place. Everyone had their parts assigned. When the team walked back, Bronson went to work with Melissa’s camera and tried to print the pictures of all the children who were at Miniki.  220 Volts can be a real challenge sometimes!
      This morning was a little too early for Alicia who now knows how to make instant coffee.  Ask her to tell you her secret recipe for the fastest instant coffee ever. Addison recovered nicely from stomach discomfort after a long night’s sleep. Today we started again in Studenetza after picking up one of our volunteer translator’s Julia, who has just been accepted and given a full scholarship to the best University in Ukraine. She accepted Christ just one year ago during last year’s mission trip and has grown mightily in the Lord and her translation skills. Upon arrival in Studenetza, the children greeted us in English with Hello and helped us unload the transport.  We setup and continued where we left off, passed out little composition notebooks and actually taught the children some most basic homiletics (how to study the bible).   We used the parachute to play a few games and then played, Ps. 32:8 “you will direct me with your eye” game, otherwise known as circle tag.  Dodge “sin” Ball was also played.  Seems most all had some great fun and learned from games as well.
      The hot day made most ready for lunch and what was served?  Hot soup, which is traditional and was very good, followed by fresh vegetables and pork rice, grapes, bananas, chicken chops, and of course coke products.  By the end of the lunch it was like the scene after the credits in the Avengers movie. Everyone too tired to speak. After a short rest we helped clean up some and were off to the second VBS in Miniki.
 We brought Sasha, a Studenetza deacon in training along with us to drop him off at a maternity hospital where his wife is overdue but c-section has not been done yet. He has two boys at the VBS Camp in Studenetza and one young one too young for VBS and he works full time. Sasha was taking leftovers from our lunch to his wife and another woman there because the hospital does not feed their patients. They were yummy leftovers! He will take a long set of bus rides back to the village. Please pray for this young family in this time of uncertainty!
      Today the Miniki Town hall meeting location doors were open, children were already eagerly awaiting in their seats, with many new faces in the crowd, who were brought by friends and siblings who attended yesterday.  We welcomed the cool air of the auditorium as outside it was approaching 100 degrees. Mothers who sat with their young ones in the very back of the auditorium yesterday, were now sitting in the back rows up front and more parents were sitting along the wall in the back.
      Anna remembered a great song that helped tell the story for today so we began by singing that song as well as some of the planned songs.  Yesterday’s story of creation was today followed by Adam and Eve and how they were banished from the Garden for their sin.   A few children had already memorized John 3:16 and were bold enough to recite holding the microphone in the front of the town hall auditorium where we are meeting. Courageous young people… but prizes also help.
      The crowd was so large we had to split into two groups- older and younger. Crafts included taking yesterday’s popsicle stick framed picture of Jesus knocking at the door and gluing each child’s picture on the back of the frame holding Jesus. The second craft was creating Adam and Eve cloth pins, which was great fun. A belt clip keychain was made also in the shape of a fish.  The reason for no real keychain is the towns are so poor there are no locks on the doors. Meanwhile Vasily was outside with a few inquisitive men almost like at the village gate, except at the village community building, sewing seeds and inviting them and their families to Friday’s gathering.
      Tonight we all had dinner at Vasily and Janes.  Cody provided instruction on the finer points of taste testing cream puffs, and gave us all quite a laugh.  Turns out his taste buds were quite correct which gave us all another good laugh.  You had to be there, so you can ask him to tell about it.
      Laundry still needs to go on the clothesline to dry overnight as it approaches 10:30. Another great adventure tomorrow awaits. In Christ, Mike Kynett

Ukraine Day 2

Today was our first day of Vacation Bible School.  Children from 3 churches have come to Studenezta to camp out around the church in tents to do a week of Vacation Bible School.   In the morning our team acted out the story of Saul becoming Paul and everyone had a part. Jodi led while Anna translated, a Bearded Bronson dressed as Saul/Paul, Cody played Annanias, and Mike ( as Steven) was stoned to death by Michelle, Addy and Alicia with crumpled paper balls.  We then did crafts associated with the story and games outside that the children loved.
Lunch and transport to to Miniki followed and the afternoon Vacation Bible School had 25 children attend, which is great for the first day.  The entire VBS was done in the rented community center, moving seats numerous times to change between crafts, stories, games and bible verse memorization.  The children were very receptive as they have never had a VBS in their town before.  Parents, mostly women were guarded but curious.  Men worked in the 90+ degree heat in the fields.
All made it through the hot summer days without air conditioning and welcomed the wind from the rolled down windows of the van as we traveled the long road back to Zhitomir. Once again, Mama Lidda and Jane provided great food for the workers and nice places to recover from the day’s work.   Mamma Lidda's favorite words are still "Eat, Eat".
More tomorrow.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ukraine update day 5

Clean shirts- Yea- they dried overnight.  Jane fixed a gourmet breakfast again, while Vasily was out the door even earlier than us to pick up supplies.  Some needed more coffee than others to start off the day as the sleep deficit has accumulated.  There was a disturbance one night recently after all were fast asleep, and It seems that Jodii and Alicia's room has the right acoustics to make fireworks sound just like gunfire.  We all had a laugh and will leave he rest to your imagination until Jodi can tell you her story personally.

 We welcome the 5 flights of stairs each morning to get our blood flowing, especially since it is downstairs.  Julia our translator greeted us once again in the fresh morning air among the flowers rainbow of flowers standing tall in between the paths of the Hi rise buildings around us. Off we go to the main street for Vasily to pick up the whole team.  Smiling faces again greet us at Studenitza as the children swing on the Iron gate with even more practiced hello.   Today we throw some a curve by saying Good Morning!
Set up was quick with all saying hi to their new found friends. How easy it is to love the smiling faces of these children.  For many of them this is their big event of the year for travel and vacation as their families are too busy working. For some it is the first time away from home.  For those wanting to picture how many of all ages their were, picture about 45 children.

Songs started the day again. Jodi and Bronson talked about Christian fellowship in the Church, their witness by their actions and sometimes words and inviting others to church to come and see.  Anna and Jane did great jobs translating and keeping their attention while, as usual the rest of us sat/moved among the children to keep order and quiet/ focused attention.
They all pretty much have John 3:16 down and we have to be selective among who gets to come and recite for a prize.  This alone is an answer to prayer of hiding God's word in their heart even if they do not yet understand it or connect it to all the related lessons.

Jane, Alicia, Bronson and Cody are our Rec team. At rec, they pulled out the parachute so we made teams and just got some wiggles out.  Following that we played Simon Says with Jane and Roma leading.  Please don't ask me to spell Simon Says in Ukranian as this keyboard does not even have the symbols for those letters! This was followed by explaining the church is the body of believers, not the building and we all have functions as part of the body.   Alicia lead Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes game
Meanwhile Michelle and Addy joined Jodi and Anna as the crafts team inside, doing crafts that align with the lessons we tell each day.  By today as you might expect, the routine is becoming familiar to all, but still very exciting.   Following crafts/rec we had review time with prizes which is always fun. The friendships just get better over time with the kids.  Tomorrow will be invitation day.  So please pray hard for tomorrow.

Once the lesson and review were over, Bronson prepped them for tomorrow's invitation.  There was then some short free time prior to lunch.  Futbal was again done, with even the littlist ones playing with very lightweight flat Frisbee type discs made from fiberflex wire and material.  Today was extra special because there was a big cake after lunch was over. It's not that were big on food as a team, It's just that they place so much of it in front of us with so much variety and freshness-family style.  They put Cracker Barrel to shame! 

After helping clean up we had a brief rest before heading out for Miniki!   The air was thick with anticipation as we knew today was the day of invitation for the children prior to parents being invited tomorrow.

Upon arrival, Alicia and Cody went with Julia door to door to invite adults to the service tomorrow at 5PM right after VBS.  Bronson and Jodi along with Jane and Anna each did one half of the Jesus died for us lesson, complete with Addy, Michelle and Cody holding up mountains and the cross filling in the great divide as a visual help.   Jodi was great, breaking the lesson up to keep their attention by asking questions right after she taught the point of Jesus dying and being put in the grave.  What a great team effort!

We scheduled rec with the older outside first and the 8 and younger inside doing the salvation bracelet first.   Then the 8 and up came in and the young ones went with Anna out to do extended rec.   Just prior to joining our team Anna had just finished helping a Russian Church do VBS back in America with the same age group so she was very comfortable with these 8 children.  We told her rec was to go twice as long as the invitation would be given today.   So she makes sure they use the extra time by playing hide and seek!  Ask her how that went-  I'm still laughing.  The terrain around is like around an old over grown area around a barn with a slight sloping hill in back.   In front, by the road, but inside the fence, young shirtless men had just finished cutting the tall grass with sickles(SP?).  And sharpened them with a piece of granite.  No lawn mowers here- it's sickles or farm animals do the cutting here. As we moved the rec time into the newly cut area, the resoucefull older boys picked up the few blackberry bush cuttings and ate the berries.  Then back to the game at hand.
Invitation time.-Mike was most privileged to have the honor of doing the invitation.  Today for some reason only 20 or so of the 35 or so kids were there, Accounting for the little ones outside and those that decided not to come back from rec we had the perfect number to have them sit in every other seat.  Mike pulled a chair up with Jane as translator and we just got up close and personal with them.  God blessed the greatest true story ever told!   At the end Pastor Vasily brought the invitation home and 9 boys and 1 young lady came forward and prayed the sinners prayer.  Praise God!  Each of you parents, prayer warriors, contributors, teachers, mentors, and friends share in this Victory for Christ.  All of you have good reason as I said before to be very proud of EVERY member of this team.  They are being used of God mightily.

All for now- tomorrow the invitation for the children at Studenitza, Evangilism Service at Miniki and also an Evangilism Service at Kominy Brid!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ukraine Update

The Ukraine team arrived in country as planned.  They have completed their second day of VBS.  More information will follow soon. 
All 8 teammembers arrived safely and in good health along with all baggage! Slava Bogu (Praise God)  Vasily and Jane met us at the airport with no wait whatsoever- a perfect connection in Kiev! Michelle slept through the night but most of the rest of us suffered from some jet lag while trying to sleep after arriving at Vasily and Jane’s home. 
We rose early and were out the door before 8AM to pick up worshipers along the way to Studenitza.   The churches in Studenitza and Bilkovtsi send their greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  They appreciated the love many members told us to convey to them, and they inquired about numerous members who had traveled to Ukraine in the past.  God arranged perfect testimonies with Bronson first, thenJodi, and Alicia was last.  We listened to familiar tunes sung in Ukrainian, Russian and English.  There were some seeking non-believers in the audience, and seeds were sown.  Michael preached a sermon on the ear from Luke 22: 47-52.  
We then traveled to Bilkovtsi where they served the team a marvelous lunch, all fresh and homemade… including ice cream.  An afternoon service immediately followed and we experienced another  great service where Michelle, Addy, and Anna gave their testimonies.  Songs were sung again and God’s word was preached.  There were some seeking unbelievers in the group so God’s word was sewn and watered again. 
Anastasia, one of our translators from prior years made us a hand made gift of Origami – two beautiful swans which she presented after the end of the service. This is the same young lady that last year walked almost 2 hours just to meet the team bus so she could be a translator.  The Christians here have big loving, giving, and serving hearts and are a great credit to the cause of Christ.
It is now Sunday afternoon and we are resting up for tonight. Activities are unknown as this is typed.  Please keep praying for our team for God to go before us.  Please also pray that VBS will bring many young children to God or allow us to sew seeds amongst village children and their parents.  In the new village where no VBS has ever been taught, we pray that many children, mothers and fathers will come to know the Lord.
In Christ,
Mike Kynett

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Honduras Update#1

Our team arrived safely and without incident in Honduras on Friday.  On Friday, we toured the centers where we would be working this week to see how many kids were there and meet with the directors. We painted an outside courtyard at Genesis all day on Saturday that was a great team-building experience. Everyone worked hard and I didn't think we could finish the assignment they gave us because the space was so large but we did finish it. All of our interpreters helped us and we were able to get to know them better as we will be relying on them so much the remainder of this week.
The team attended Pier Church on Sunday and is just taking off to visit a waterfall and zipline. You can google Waterfall in Honduras to see it. Several of the teenage boys from Genesis are joining us and some Orphan Helpers staff. The other boys from Genesis have school on Sunday and could not go.

I am actually missing all the festivities today because I woke up at 2:30am with a stomach bug and I am praying this is gone soon. I have not gotten sick before on a trip and it seems to be isolated to the stomach! I'm glad it's me instead of someone else. I'm just going to stay as hydrated as possbile and unpack all of our supplies we will be using Monday - Thursday. Attending church is one of my favorite things to do. When I was at FBCN last Sunday, I was so excited that I'd be worshiping in Honduras in one week and seeing a glimpse of heaven again.

We are having devotions each morning and evening and God has really weaved a great group together of young and old. The Bassette's are so nice and Marisa Mercado is also a wonderful addition.

We have seen a few children that we met last year. That has been very special for the team members. Unfortunately, it does not look, on the outside, like much has changed in Honduras. The least of these are still getting the least. We don't know the full picture God has for Honduras but we are filling in the piece we have been tasked to fill this week by planting seeds.

We had a lot of trouble accessing the Internet when we first arrived but it seems to have stabilized now.
Our money was wired successfully so no issues there. Billy Thornton and I bought the paint and supplies we needed for one project yesterday. We are painting the main room at the center for young ladies this week. I'm glad we incorporated some building projects into the ministry work so we can leave each place better than we found it - spiritually and physically.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve in this way.
Tracy for the Honduras Team

Monday, July 30, 2012

ALASKA Update#3

     On Tuesday, we handled out fliers for our first Park Party. The block party started at 6pm with a lot of people waiting on us. We set up everything and got the grill going. The park party was held at Balto Seppala.  The party was a big hit with three bounce houses, a snow cone machine, and a cotton candy machine. We cooked and handed out approx. 600 hot dogs and hamburgers. The pastor and members of True North were able to talk and bond with the people coming to the park.
     On Wednesday the park party was held at Jade Park. It was another big hit with even more True North members talking to people getting into the act of helping us out.
     Thursday our park party was held at David Green Park. It was another great success. The weather was in the in the mid 60s and we had blue sky for all threes days. The Lord had his hand on the weather. We had three very successful park parties. The biggest hit was the puppet show. The kids loved it. Pastor Brent was so touched with the puppet show that we did this year that he wants the team next year to do a puppet show during the park parties.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Malawi Update#11

July 26, 2012

The Team left Wednesday for an overnight retreat at Chisomo Cottages on the shore of Lake Malawi. This is a retreat in a Muslim area that is run by missionaries from South Africa. Over these last few years their mission opportunities have expanded, and they are opening a Christian school with the blessing of the chief, who wants a school for the children and does not care that it will be Christian.

We stopped first for some shopping at some woodcarvers there in the Salima district. Then we went to a nice resort (the Sunbird) for lunch and some time on the lake shore. Alas, the power was out, but some limited selections were available. Several had the buffet of beef, chicken, potatoes, and rice; others daringly ordered spaghetti. I had the goat with rice and seasonal veggiesdelicious.

The stay at Chisomo was pleasant, but this has been an unusually cold winter, and there was a stiff wind from the east off the lake. It blew all night long. Also, this is Ramadan, and at 4:00 AM there was a call to breakfast before the dawn, allowing people to eat before the fast. Then the 5:00 call to prayer.

The next morning after a nice breakfast of toast, eggs, local sausage (many were passed along to me), and tomato slices we returned for a little more shopping at the woodcarvers. We then drove to Lilongwe for a nice lunch at the Four Seasons (That’s the name of the shopping area; the restaurant is Buchanan’s.). Then back to hosts home to settle accounts, pack, and plan on dividing gifts for the interpreters.

It has been a good trip. This relatively young team worked hard, worked together, jumped in at all times with a hand to help. We accomplished good things in the villages and in the urban neighborhoods. Thank God with us that He included us in His work here in Malawi. Pray for us as we travel tomorrow…safety for us and our luggage and timely flights.

Ray Smith

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Alaska Update#2

   The Sunday service was held at the Lossac Library with about 120 people attending (alot of people were fishing). What was so neat, was that a homeless person named Michael accepted Christ and this was his first time attending (because he saw the coffee pot table out in the foyer and came in for some coffee). The next day we broke into two teams doing different service projects, one team went to the downtown soup kitchen the other team passed out doughnuts to the business community. The team members that worked the soup kitchen saw Michael at the soup line and talked to him, encouraged him, and had him look into his new bible that was given from True North. Later that night at dinner the pastor mentioned about receiving a phone call  from the business area asking about the Church that passed out the doughnuts.  Today we passed out fliers about the Park party we are having this evening. We will report back tomorrow about the Park party and send some pictures too.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Malawi Update#10

July 24, 2012

This morning the team went back into the neighborhoods in Lilongwe for unban ministry. Once again they were able to share the Gospel with Malawians living in the city. Many of these opportunities were with people who claimed to be Muslim. In the main, these Muslims are not firmly committed, and they are open to the Gospel. Many of them have prayed to ask Jesus into their lives.

Our host and I went out to conduct some business. I was able to meet with the pastor and give him the ministry allotment from First Baptist. We met him at the Baptist Theological Seminary area in Malawi, and I was able to see the grounds. There are several dormitories, a kitchen and dining room, class rooms and a small library. The Faith Builders Sunday school class at First Baptist Norfolk had sent me with money to pay seminary tuition for one of the interpreters, and I was able to make that payment in both his and our behalf.

In the afternoon the team regrouped with our interpreters at the home of our hosts. We exchanged some gifts, and many comments of appreciation were made by all. We went outside for pictures and some final visiting. A tearful time…It is hard to believe we will not see them again this trip. They have become a part of our lives. Watching Allison break into tears, and Hannah fanning her face and wiping her eyes, and Emily stopping another interpreter from driving away to give him the last tearful hugand he was so sad in her sadness.
Tomorrow we drive to Lake Malawi, and the team will meet a South African couple who are trying to engage the Muslims for evangelism. We will stay at their retreat, Chisomo Cottages. Pray for safety in our travels and a restful time as we wind down from the mission.

Ray Smith

Monday, July 23, 2012

Malawi Update #9

July 23, 2012

The team spent the day in Kamoyo and had a great time. This was a typical day of village ministry: there was VBS, teaching and evangelism. But there was another project.

As we left Chiwoza we discovered that the little church there was in debt. They had purchased the land to build their church, but they still owed 17,000 Kwacha, which is really beyond their ability to pay without some help. It would be possible for the man who sold it to call the debt and take the land back. So the team decided to pay the debt. How much money? About $62.00! Not exactly going to break our bank…easily within our capacity. So, today a few went with the pastor to Chiwoza to settle accounts. Now their church is free and clear.

Today at VBS Emily and Hannah jumped in to help. They had a simply wonderful time working with the kids. Constance and Jessica had prepared a great lesson. In the afternoon Constance changed over and went out with Adam evangelizing hut-to-hut.

Steve and Allison also took part in the evangelistic visits. Allison had a large crowd gathered to listen to her, and Adam had a good number also. Many people prayed to receive Jesus. This was all in the next village over from Kamoyo, and they can easily walk to Kamoyo for church on Sundays.

I am no stranger to Kamoyo. Ten to twelve people sat in on the teaching sessions as I spoke on yielding ourselves to God, renewing our minds, and letting the Spirit control both our souls and our bodies. In the after noon there were great questions. The people are listening and engaged in the material. We even gave them some Bible verses for memorizing and helped them begin.  My interpreter today, was amazing.

Be assured, God is answering prayers for us on this trip. He is doing wonderful things here in Malawi. Tomorrow will be urban ministry, and in the afternoon we will say farewell to our interpreters. They have been such a blessing to us. Continue in prayer for us: we will spend some time debriefing at Lake Malawi Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, then leave for home Friday. Pray for continued safety and unity.

Parents of teens, I have good things to report about your daughters, who have done you proud.

Ray Smith

Alaska Team Update#1

All members arrived safely. Went to church service this morning.  It was excellent.  We will start community service tomorrow.

Jimmy Bruff

Malawi Update#8

July 22, 2012

This was another great day of ministry. We divided the team. Steve, Jessica, Adam, and Emily returned to Chiwoza to help with the Sunday service. Of course, their interpreters were with them. Constance, Allison, Hannah, and I went to Kamoyo.

In Chiwoza Jessica and Emily led a VBS session with the children, Adam taught adult Sunday school, and Steve preached, a message on leadership from the book of Nehemiah. About 17 adults were present with many children. After the service, the chief of the village gave a brief address thanking the team.

In Kamoyo, Constance, Emily, and Allison led the children’s VBS and I taught Sunday school and preached. About twice as many adults were in attendance at Kamoyo, and again there were many children. The team also helped by singing “Lord I Lift you Name on High” (complete with hand motions) for the Malawians. I also joined three natives (one of which was the pastor), in singing (in proper harmony) a hymn in Chichewa.

We spent the afternoon resting after our busy week. It is a bit sad to realize that our time is now slanting towards our return to Norfolk. All of us (yes, even I, the old hat) have been touched by what we have seen and been able to do. Next week we have plans for village work and urban ministry. Pray for us as we continue our work with the missionaries here among the Chewa people of Malawi. Pray for continued health and safety. God has been so faithful, and we are hopeful for His continued graces over the remainder of the trip.

Ray Smith

Malawi Update#7

July 21, 2012

The team spent the morning in urban neighborhoods looking for opportunities to share the Gospel. We rode to a central place in the city, broke into teams of two to three plus interpreters, and caught rides in local minibuses into nearby neighborhoods. There were a number of people who let us meet with them and talk about spiritual matters.

Emily and Hannah met with a group of young women and shared their faith. After the women prayed, they discovered they were Muslims…but now Christians. Allison and I met a family where the grandmother was Christian, but the younger women were Muslim and the young man was Jehovah’s Witness. They listened as I shared my testimony and presented the Gospel. We answered a couple of their questions. The four Muslims girls prayed to receive Jesus.

In the afternoon we visited the Hope House Orphan Care Foundation. This is run by friends of our hosts, and ministers to over 300 orphans. These children live in their nearby villages, but they often go unfed. This ministry gives them a meal in the midday after school. They also are tutoring them and teaching them the trade of tailoring. Since 2005 the ministry has grown to have three homes in the region and 25 employees. The ministry is largely managed by Malawians; the Oklahoma couple who started it live on their pension and apply all gifts to the ministry. It was a wonderful afternoon spent learning what God will do with an ordinary couple who follow His lead.

We spent the evening preparaing to help in the churches at Kamoyo and Chiwoza.

Pray for us as we conduct one more day of village ministry at Kamoyo on Monday and do urban ministry on Tuesday. That will complete our planned ministry here in Malawi.

Ray Smith

Malawi Update #6

July 20, 2012

Today was our last working day in Chiwoza. We will be helping in the church service on Sunday, but no more storying, no more VBS, no more teaching. There was sadness as we left and the children shouted to us, “Azungu (White foreigners).” Still, there were many decisions for Christ.

Across the river Steve returned to meet some of the people he had been working with during the week and also walked around and met several people with whom he shared the Gospel. Adam met with a group of people, smaller than yesterday, and did more teaching on discipleship.

Allison, Emily, and Hannah also returned to visit people they had worked with. They spoke with them about a number of spiritual issues, each taking turns speaking. In the afternoon they were down by the river where they met with a group of children. They told them stories and sang Christian songs with them.

VBS went quite well. Constance told the story of Peter preaching, and Jessica worked with her to teach the children their Bible verse, “Let your light so shine among men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” The best part: the lesson was held by the river, and the kids from the other village came across the river to take part. There were over one hundred children with paper candles waving them and singing “This little light of mine” in their language.

Today I spoke to the adults in Chiwoza about the lifestyle of deacons, as models of church leaders.  I asked for questions, and one person offered this comment: “Every Christian should live this way.” I thought, they really are understanding this. We talked about the truth of the comment.

Tomorrow we begin urban ministry. Please pray that we will find people with whom to share the Gospel. And thank God with us for the work He is doing here.

Ray Smith