Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ukraine Day 4

     We rose early once again, had our quiet time and prayer as the big city noises of a city coming alive  wafted up from below and beyond.  Vasily left early to get supplies for the day, returning to pick us up for our daily outing. 
     At Studenezta, more help, smiles and hellos greeted our bus as we arrived.   Children were eager to come in and start again.  Jodi did a great job teaching how to pray complete with Skit illustration.  Anna once again did a super job of translating.  Also, Luke 11:5-8 was acted out by Bronson, Cody,  and Michelle were the sleeping family, while Addy knocked at the door. Very effective skit to teach boldness and persistence in prayer. The craft matched the lesson while the rec game outside was Jesus Flag Tag.  Upon reuniting all the children, even more had memorized John 3:16 overnight and stepped forward to the microphone to recite it.  Bold Children to be sure.   Near the end we reviewed John 3:16 with even more words covered with blue sticky notes.   It is all so amazing how these kids can be restless, having side conversations and being just a tad unruly, but when we hold that poster up of John 3:16 to recite it, all, virtually all stop , pay attention and almost all chime in.  The power of God’s word is truly awesome!
While we awaited another truly grand fresh food feast, we had some time.   Michelle and Addy were the queens of dress up.   Numerous girls took no end of delight in playing dress up with our bags of “What’s Different”clothes.   The girls took turns and even some boys were eager to play some dress up.  Meanwhile outside, Alicia had her own line choreography class and gymnastics class going on, just having great fun with a few of the girls.  By the time it was all said and done I have some bad news for Alicia, Melissa and Addy’s parents.  They have decided they have made such good friends here that they are just going to move in with their new friends, when we leave. (just kidding- but they are truly making these kind of relationship connections!
Outside the boys could not get enough of Jesus Flag Tag.  Eventually that gave way to Futbol (Soccer).  Even with the uneven ground out in front of the church and very long grass, they set  up field boundaries and goals with the flag tag flags.   Bronson and Cody played soccer endlessly until lunch broke the action.  Great Guy time!
Another lunch feast followed.  You would be amazed how much food these ladies can serve hot, to 45 children, our team, and all the local parents helping.  It is smaller than many of your kitchens by far and EVERYTHING is fresh from the field,  garden or hoof.   Truly amazing!
       Pack up- we did again, off to the maternity hospital to drop off food for Sasha’s wife and her friend, while Sasha was at work.  Great to see how the church here provides for it’s members.   Upon arrival at Miniki, the kids were in their seat again, eagerly awaiting.   Jodi taught a great lesson with Anna Translating about Jesus, born of  theVirgin Mary, who lived the perfect life and died for our sins, complete with story pictures.  We then used the prodigal son story as a skit on bad choices and the father taking the son back and forgiving him.  Alicia provided a ring for Father Michael to put on wayward son Cody’s hand.
     Jesus flag tag was a hit for both older and younger age groups and took up all the rec time available. After we returned the Penny Parachute Target game was played as motivation for answering lesson review questions.  Boys won here while girls won in Studenetza.
     Snacks were provided to all kids as we ended the day and invited them back tomorrow. 
Upon departure , we visited Komini Brid, and oh my what a transformation  Pastor Vasily and this body of believers has done to this derelict building, miraculously provided by God right in the center of Town.   A lot of sweat equity, sacrificial giving of members, along with $  donations from U.S.  have allowed this congregation to have even an indoor bathroom with running water and a kitchen with running water.   Most houses have wells with buckets and outhouses.   Only 2 rooms left in the building to be finished  that could be Bible Study rooms, but currently funds are not available.  Some came a long way just to meet us this afternoon for a few minutes to show their appreciation.   This town is at a crossroads, in the center of 4 smaller towns that can now come to this town for worship.
From there we went back to Jane and Vasily’s, had dinner, got into an interesting spiritual discussion or two and then Jodi got us back on track, leading planning for tomorrow’s VBS morning and afternoon.   What great ideas, Jodi, Cody and Alicia had.  Tomorrow we will hear from Addy, Melissa, and Anna to see if they have any additional ideas that might reach the children in either or both locations.