Friday, January 11, 2013

INDIA - January 2013

John had the opportunity to sit down and discuss Jesus Christ with 9 Indian seekers. We spoke together for about 3.5 hours on everything from why we should forgive others that hurt us, what baptism is about, to dating relationships, and most importantly talking about trusting Jesus as Savior and having a personal relationship with him. The meeting went very well with great discussion. Pray that these young seekers will continue to seek after God and that he will draw them into faith.

 Several mornings our team worked with children at a slum school that has about 50-60 students in attendance. The ages of the children are from 3 to 10. Our team assists with teaching the alphabet, reading, and math skills. We also have individuals that help lead the chapel time and share Bible studies.  While here this week, our team has shared about Moses and stories from his life about times that he had to trust God. Pray that these children and their parents come to know God's love and that these families in this community, which totals about 2,000 people, will come to faith in Jesus and that this school ministry will help lead these families to the local Christian fellowship.

This weekend our team is traveling to lead a disciple now weekend with about 30-50 college-aged students. During this program we will discuss matters of Christian faith including what is sin, how can I be saved, and what is forgiveness and what does it look like. Pray that the Gospel is communicated clearly and that these seekers will come to know Jesus as the One truth living God.

The women on the team have also lead henna parties with women and attended a sewing clinic. The henna parties have provided opportunities to share Creation to Christ through Bible story-telling while using henna hand art. The sewing clinic allowed for a time that the Indian women were able to hear from one of our team members about their testimony and how they came into a relationship with Jesus as their personal savior. Pray over these women that through hearing Bible lessons and testimony that Jesus' name is glorified and that the Light of the world will touch darkened hearts.