Day 7- the team spent the day passing out additional flyers for the evangelistic service last evening. In addition, we had the opportunity to go to each classroom at the school and gave them salvation bracelets. This way, we were able to present the Gospel once again for all the students as well as their teachers.
The students were also presented individual book bags that were monogrammed by our Project Comfort ladies, under the direction of Debbie Allen. The children loved them and expressed great enthusiasm for their gifts.
The evening service drew many from the community and we had a wonderful time in worship music and hearing the Word of God with the theme of Hope for Eternal Salvation. We praise God for His favor this week in opening many doors for the Gospel to be presented!
The students were also presented individual book bags that were monogrammed by our Project Comfort ladies, under the direction of Debbie Allen. The children loved them and expressed great enthusiasm for their gifts.
The evening service drew many from the community and we had a wonderful time in worship music and hearing the Word of God with the theme of Hope for Eternal Salvation. We praise God for His favor this week in opening many doors for the Gospel to be presented!