Thursday, May 8, 2014

Southeast Asia: Day 9

Southeast Asia-Day 9
If you've ever doubted the impact that one simple invitation can make in a friend or family member's life, please read on! If you've ever doubted the impact that one simple prayer of faith can make in a friend or family member's life, please read on! If you're like me, and you've ever doubted the relevance of the Good News in this enormous, pain-filled world of ours, please read on!

Today we got to sit down and catch up with another one of our M couples living in this city. They are both English teachers at a local university and are carefully navigating the odd teacher-student barrier in hopes of building friendships with their students and sharing the Good News. Please pray for historically dead-bolted doors to be crashed open so that this couple can freely invest in their students. Please pray for travel safety as this couple returns to the States for the summer to rest and fund raise before returning back to Asia to continue Father's work.

This evening, we invited some of the university students we've met over the past 6 or 7 years to a coffee shop "English Club". Last evening, only 2 or 3 of our contacts had responded that they were going to attend, so we prayed that more would come. This morning, a few more confirmed, and we prayed that the hearts of those attending would be opened to the Good News, but personally, I was satisfied with that small handful of students, afraid that if too many students came, it would be too difficult to effectively communicate and keep order in the coffee shop. Thankfully, Father had different plans...

Over 20 students came to the coffee shop last night, many of whom we'd never met before, but who were invited by their friends. Several of those students we'd never met actually invited their own friends from university to come to the coffee shop! We all broke up into small conversation groups and got to know the students individually before forming a large group of all the students. Then our leader and another team member shared more about our reasons for traveling to Southeast Asia and shared their stories about how the Good News has changed their lives. Afterwards, one of the Asian students actually shared his own story about how he became a Brother and one of his friends translated for us. 

The Good News is spreading on its own! We are not responsible for its movement. It is Living and True and Powerful. All we can do is plant, water and obey! And that's all He asks us to do!

Please pray that we will have many opportunities over the next week to meet with individual students to talk more about each of our stories and the greatest Story of them all. Please continue to pray for the health of our team and for travel safety as we travel tomorrow to the home of one of these students and his friends for a home cooked meal and more conversation. We're also lunching with a medical student who made a Decision on one of our past trips, hoping to continue Upward focused conversations.

We love you all! Thank you for all your love and support!

Southeast Asia Team