Saturday, August 2, 2014

India 1 Team: Day 7

India 1: Day 7
   Today our team, accompanied by Dave and Mary, flew to a mountainous region in Northern India. We flew up together and admired the breath taking landscape of the mountains. The air at a higher elevation was refreshing to the team after being in Delhi for the last week.  It is very green in Northern India and there are so many species of birds/eagles as well as baboons and elephants.  
   Later in the day we walked up from our hotel on very steep hills to see more of the area and have dinner with new friends. It was very encouraging to hear the two brothers in Christ stories about their testimony. They are political refugees. They aren't afforded many rights in India, they weren't given any documentation to solidify themselves as citizens of any nation. When they learned about Christ and his rescuing love their lives were transformed. It was encouraging to hear their faith and their mission to learn more by going to school so that they can better defend their faith.
   It has been apparent for us on this trip of the expansiveness of God's kingdom and it has been a blessing to hear so many stories from believers. We are praying for opportunities to interact and connect with the people of the area and to see Christ glorified in that. We ask for your continued prayer for our team as we approach the last few days of our travel.
India 1 Team
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3