Saturday, October 4, 2014

Southeast Asia/East Asia: 2nd week summary

The team returned to the big city after the two days of medical clinics in the south. The next several days were spent meeting and making contacts with young people who are either still in university studies or recently finished. Each night a coffee house meeting was held, with a presentation and a chance to share the Good News. The team was able to work with small groups, answering questions and sharing our personal stories. It is a joy to report that three young people came to Believe while we were there!  Please pray with us that many more of the seeds planted will bear spiritual fruit in the future.

The team boarded the overnight train to travel to the north of the country and visit the home of an unreached people group. The scenery was was the drive!  Dodging other cars, motorbikes, people and even the occasional water buffalo has everyone on the edge of their seat!  After arriving in the village, we were invited to attend a church service in a local house. What an amazing blessing it was. The choir was led by the children and their pure voices echoed off the sides of the mountain while we clapped along to keep time. The message was delivered by a field missionary that had traveled with us. He spoke in English and his native language, while the local church leader translated the service into the native tongue of the people in the village. His message, from Matthew, was about the faith of the four friends who were willing to break the roof open and lower the paralytic man down to be able to see Jesus because they knew He had the power to heal whatever ailed the man. We should have that kind of faith; willing to break down any barrier, whether of distance or language, culture or time, or even opposition of the government.

The rest of the day was spent trekking to where we spent the night, in the home of one of the unreached people groups we had come to see. In the morning, the Good News was shared with the matriarch, and words that would be found in the Bible were translated by her so that a Bible can be made for her people.  After a short day and a half, the team began the journey back down the mountain, preparing ourselves for another overnight train ride back to the big city.  We got back into town safely, and a short time later found ourselves at the airport boarding a plane heading to the next country on our mission trip.