Thursday, June 11, 2015

India 2: Updates 4-6

Update 4:
Monday evening we went to the second fellowship and spent a few hours getting to know the translators and others from that group. A few non-followers also attended, and C2C along with many personal stories were shared. 

Tuesday we met with the fellowship leader and translators for lunch and discussed the history of the two slum areas where we would be going. Jacob, Candace, and the local m joined some local partners and shared with 30-40 women. They heard C2C as well as personal stories. Hannah, Megan, and I went with the other nationals to a different location and shared C2C and personal stories, and one of the girls who had been recently trained by our local m shared the story of Lazarus along with her story. There were 30-40 women there as well. 

Everyone had been jumping in and out of stomach sickness. Some had just gotten over last week's stuff, while others had recently acquired it or were still pushing forward with it since early on in the trip. Everyone had been careful to drink a lot of water, avoid unsafe foods, and make the most of our time. Our group has been solid; I couldn't ask for anything more. Tuesday night I ate something that disagreed with me, and I had a couple bouts of vomiting Wednesday. I decided I wasn't going to benefit the group for either sharing or translation that afternoon. So, during lunch with the translators I headed back to our hotel. 

Update 5:
The group came back Wednesday early evening and reported sharing many different stories with two slum communities. We went out again one last times Thursday and shared in three more houses using stories like the bleeding woman, the woman at the well, the paralytic, C2C, and personal stories. Some believers were among the people who heard, and after sharing we were encouraged to see how He had called them and how they have been growing. We prayed for the leaders of that group that evening, asking for increased faith, boldness, influence in their community, and provision to keep the work going strong. 

Friday, we shopped in the morning, debriefed in the afternoon, and the four of them were on a jet plane back to the homeland in the late evening. 

We thank the Lord that these two weeks have been filled with endurance to make it through long days, little sleep, health after sickness, protection, divine inspiration, many opportunities to share, fellowship with national followers, and invitations in homes of the lost. May these four carry what they have seen and done back with them, and may I use my final week to strengthen the fellowship here. 

Update 6:
The group was sent back, and I heard of their arrival to the states a few hours ago.

Immediately after dropping them off at the airport, I grabbed a taxi to the home where I was staying that night. My driver, Prav, was very helpful getting me situated, and we began an easy-going conversation about ourselves. For the first time, I was asked if I am from Afghanistan. Somewhere between the beard and speaking Hindi there was some confusion. Having cleared that up, we continued discussing life. Amongst some topics, Prav happened to mention a very short comment about God (a common comment I've heard from the locals). Since the door was open, I decided to walk right on in. 

I asked who he followed, and he said that I'm probably aware that there are many different deities here. He, however, believes there is truly only one. I found this interesting and asked if I could share a story with him. He politely and cheerfully gave me permission, and so I proceeded to share the most detailed of my testimony I've yet to convey to any Indian in Hindi. As I explained sin I formerly had in my life, one in particular seemed to strike a chord with him. Immediately, his demeanor changed, and I became concerned this might not go in the direction I desired. I continued, explaining the feeling of being trapped in sinful things and without strength to remove them from my life. I felt like a slave and desperate. I talked about JC's role in changing my heart, being one who hears my cry for help and listens, and the one who is patient and forgives.

Prav turned to me and said he was going to tell me something he hadn't told anyone else before. During the next few minutes I heard how he has struggled to be clean from a variety of wrong in his life. He said he prays every morning to God to stay away from these things, but afterward he proceeds to do them anyway. He asked if I would pray for him. I explained the good news and why JC came. I shared that my life change, freedom, and peace were not from myself but through JC Himself. I told him JC can give him new life that lasts forever, all he needs to do is believe, turn away from his acknowledged wrong, and commit to His way. Prav gave me his number and asked me to meet him again before I leave the country. He also asked me to intercede for him, which I did before we departed. He said before I left that he had so much happiness in talking with me. He'll probably never know how much happiness I had in talking with him. 

Please lift up Prav. He seems very close to knowing JC. The Father has clearly been opening His eyes. I seek to introduce him to one of my friends in town who could begin walking this wonderful journey with him.  

Praise Him for the amazing things He is doing among these people, all of which are far beyond my expectations.