Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Peru: Day 2

The following day was the Sunday church service.  Attendance started out low and we attributed it to being Peru's National Independence Weekend celebration.  However, by the time we began worshiping practically every seat was filled.  Our team got to lead the congregation in two songs en Espanol and then Janice and Ashlyn both shared their testimonies.  Some technical difficulties turned what was originally meant to be a flute and piano duet into a flute solo featuring myself and I was beyond blessed and humbled to get that opportunity.  Dick gave an incredible message on our DNA and how we each have a physical DNA that gives us our unique characteristics but, we have a spiritual DNA as well, that makes us all brothers and sisters in Christ and heirs to the kingdom of Heaven.  Following the service some ladies from the church made a delicious lunch for us consisting of lots of chicken and rice and, fellowship with one another.  We ended the day by touring the city's local water park which features an array of masterfully designed fountains inside a luscious park. 

God saw fit to begin and end our first two days by demonstrating the timing which only He has.  As we were standing around the park exit trying to decide whether to wait another 40 minutes for the taxi we had negotiated with after dropping us off, to come pick us up, an Uber big enough to fit our entire team pulled up right in front of us.  The driver was familiar with the street we were trying to get to and was happy to give us a lift.