Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Alaska: Day 4

Alaska: Day 4

What a day! There were 80 dozen donuts delivered to the church that were then divided into boxes of 8 each. After, we divided into 2 vans with the Plant City team and delivered them to different businesses in the morning. Reagan and Virginia took a dozen to a party store (like Party City) and then bought some props for the photo booth at the park parties later in the week. After a great lunch, we divided into different teams for the afternoon project. We went to a mobile home park and went door to door asking if they had smoke detectors. If they did, we asked if they needed any batteries. If they did not, we would offer them one or two and even offer to install them for free. The reason True North Church has started this ministry is because of the winters. They are brutal with all of the snow and cold. It is hard for the fire trucks to get through the snow to get to those homes. The smoke detectors will at least give the family time to get out and save their lives.