Monday, July 28, 2014

Malawi: Report #7

Malawi Mission Report #7

Today we left for the new guest house. Curt and Maddie had been asked to help in an early service in town before we drove to the village. Maddie sang and Curt preached while the team moved luggage to the guest house, where we later converged and made our way to Kamoyo village.
We arrived as the service was just beginning, and the team took part in the Sunday service. Constance and Wendy led the children in a lesson for Sunday school. Hannah, Alicia, and Maddie did a program for the youth and helped them memorize Phil. 4:13. I led an adult Bible study.
In the morning service that followed, during the time of singing (and a little dancing) the team was asked to sing. Maddie led us in two songs (no dancing). Curt preached from Philippians 4 about rejoicing and knowing the peace of God in difficult times
It was good to see men and women there whom we have seen since the earliest days of ministry there. Their reception was warm. And we ate our customary lunch of Malawian food (nsima, ndiwo, and some meat). We passed a restful afternoon in our new rooms.
Matters for praise: Thank God for continued blessings of health, safety, and receptive hearts..
Matters for prayer: Please continue to pray for our safety in travel and for prepared hearts as we go to share our faith. Monday and Tuesday we will be in Chiwoza village.
Thank you again for your partnership with us.
Ray Smith
Malawi Team