Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Malawi: Report #10

Malawi Mission Report #10
     Today we went to Kalolo, and we met with the local pastor, Brino. I was last in Kalolo four years ago, but a team did visit last year. There have been some real changes, so that the local congregation is not meeting regularly. However, the chief welcomed us warmly and invited us to evangelize. Leadership teaching changed to evangelism as Brino is now trying to build up the body of believers in a new but nearby location. I shared the Gospel with about a dozen people, several of whom were already believers.  The others did pray to receive Christ.
     Curt, Hannah, and Alicia went out to do evangelism, Curt and Alicia together and Hannah with Lewis, one of the stronger interpreters. They made several stops, and some prayed for salvation.
     Constance, Wendy, and Maddie conducted the VBS phase. There were a little over 100 children and they were not able to complete the lesson.  However, some of the children were attentive and seemed to understand what they heard.
     At lunch we discovered that that a teenage girl had died in the village next door. While the rest broke into teams for evangelism (no VBS), I went with Brino, the chief, and my interpreter, Peter, to express our sympathy. They had made it sound as if I would deliver some sort of speech or message, but as it turned out, the girl was Catholic, and a local priest came to fulfill that role. We did meet with the father and the family to express our sympathy. WE then regrouped and left Kalolo. Because of the funeral, most in Kalolo will walk to the other village tomorrow. As a result we will travel to a different village and church under Brino’s responsibility.
Matters for praise: Praise God for the day despite the difficulties; all is according to His plan for this village. Thank God for continued blessings of health, safety, and receptive hearts.
Matters for prayer: Please continue to pray for our safety in travel and for prepared hearts as we continue to share our faith in a new village.
Thank you again for praying with us.
Ray Smith
Malawi Team