Monday, July 28, 2014

Malawi: Report #4

Malawi: Report #4
Today we traveled to Kamoyo village again. School was officially in session, but as there was no school work to be done, the children were dismissed to VBS. There were nearly 200 children taking part. Wendy did the story in the morning session—her first ever—and Constance did the second, with Maddie as their helper, along with their interpreters. It was a wonderful, full day with the kids, and afterward many were showing me their craft, pictures from the resurrection story that they had colored.
Curt took Alicia and Hannah on hut-to-hut evangelism. In the morning they went to a “not-so-nearby village” in the area, traveling by bus. At that village there was a female chief who was very interested in the Gospel. She and a large group of 10 men, plus women and children, about 30 in all, listened to the message. Many prayed to receive Christ. The chief asked for a Bible, and Peter, an interpreter, gave his to the chief. She intends to have Bible studies in the village. We suggested to pastor Blackson that he might plant a church there. On a second stop in a village nearby, they presented the Gospel to another group of about 10 people. Later they met the chief, who was sick with malaria; they prayed over him. There were many who responded to the Gospel here as well. In the afternoon they went to two other villages with a good response to their message. Once again they prayed over illnesses of two women. In all there were 71 decisions for Christ.
I (Ray) worked with the pastor on discipleship/leadership studies. Three men and 12 women attended. Not surprisingly, as part of the topic was spiritual warfare, there were questions about spiritists and about reincarnation.
Matters for praise: The bus is repaired, and now we are traveling together. We continue to be healthy and in good spirits.
Matters for prayer: We continue to work through the wi-fi issue. At least we are able to keep in contact with our church back home. Also, the water works is having significant problems with their pumps. This is the second evening with no showers. And the hotel lacks what most have: a large reserve tank. Bummer. Pray for a solution for this. As I write this, showers appear to have returned (but for how long?).
Thank you for your continued prayer in our behalf. God is at work.

Ray Smith
Malawi Team