Monday, July 30, 2012

ALASKA Update#3

     On Tuesday, we handled out fliers for our first Park Party. The block party started at 6pm with a lot of people waiting on us. We set up everything and got the grill going. The park party was held at Balto Seppala.  The party was a big hit with three bounce houses, a snow cone machine, and a cotton candy machine. We cooked and handed out approx. 600 hot dogs and hamburgers. The pastor and members of True North were able to talk and bond with the people coming to the park.
     On Wednesday the park party was held at Jade Park. It was another big hit with even more True North members talking to people getting into the act of helping us out.
     Thursday our park party was held at David Green Park. It was another great success. The weather was in the in the mid 60s and we had blue sky for all threes days. The Lord had his hand on the weather. We had three very successful park parties. The biggest hit was the puppet show. The kids loved it. Pastor Brent was so touched with the puppet show that we did this year that he wants the team next year to do a puppet show during the park parties.