Thursday, July 26, 2012

Malawi Update#11

July 26, 2012

The Team left Wednesday for an overnight retreat at Chisomo Cottages on the shore of Lake Malawi. This is a retreat in a Muslim area that is run by missionaries from South Africa. Over these last few years their mission opportunities have expanded, and they are opening a Christian school with the blessing of the chief, who wants a school for the children and does not care that it will be Christian.

We stopped first for some shopping at some woodcarvers there in the Salima district. Then we went to a nice resort (the Sunbird) for lunch and some time on the lake shore. Alas, the power was out, but some limited selections were available. Several had the buffet of beef, chicken, potatoes, and rice; others daringly ordered spaghetti. I had the goat with rice and seasonal veggiesdelicious.

The stay at Chisomo was pleasant, but this has been an unusually cold winter, and there was a stiff wind from the east off the lake. It blew all night long. Also, this is Ramadan, and at 4:00 AM there was a call to breakfast before the dawn, allowing people to eat before the fast. Then the 5:00 call to prayer.

The next morning after a nice breakfast of toast, eggs, local sausage (many were passed along to me), and tomato slices we returned for a little more shopping at the woodcarvers. We then drove to Lilongwe for a nice lunch at the Four Seasons (That’s the name of the shopping area; the restaurant is Buchanan’s.). Then back to hosts home to settle accounts, pack, and plan on dividing gifts for the interpreters.

It has been a good trip. This relatively young team worked hard, worked together, jumped in at all times with a hand to help. We accomplished good things in the villages and in the urban neighborhoods. Thank God with us that He included us in His work here in Malawi. Pray for us as we travel tomorrow…safety for us and our luggage and timely flights.

Ray Smith