Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Alaska Update#2

   The Sunday service was held at the Lossac Library with about 120 people attending (alot of people were fishing). What was so neat, was that a homeless person named Michael accepted Christ and this was his first time attending (because he saw the coffee pot table out in the foyer and came in for some coffee). The next day we broke into two teams doing different service projects, one team went to the downtown soup kitchen the other team passed out doughnuts to the business community. The team members that worked the soup kitchen saw Michael at the soup line and talked to him, encouraged him, and had him look into his new bible that was given from True North. Later that night at dinner the pastor mentioned about receiving a phone call  from the business area asking about the Church that passed out the doughnuts.  Today we passed out fliers about the Park party we are having this evening. We will report back tomorrow about the Park party and send some pictures too.