Monday, September 9, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
West Virginia - Update #3
Preparing lunch for kids. We had 11 at the trailer park and 16 at the apartment. A great day. Heading to youth pool party to give out school supplies.
The West Virginia Team has arrived. Below is a photo sent by Claude showing the team preparing for VBS. Keep the team in your prayers. Pray for divine appointments and God's blessing on their VBS this week.
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A photo of the West VA team - before leaving for Mooresfield, West VA |
1st row (kneeling): Jim Grogg, Claude Parent
2nd row (LtoR) Denise Call, Boonie Levine, Marie Johnson, Ann Reed, Vivian Connelly, Jo Rush
3rd row (LtoR) Sam Maddox, Ernie Henninger
(Missing: Debbie Allen - who arrived after returning from Peru)
Peru- Update 5: Very busy day. Held more medical and dental clinics. Visited a nursing home sharing gifts made by church members in the sewing ministry. Craig and Rob, with Tito, led the men's ministry. VBS still going strong.
PERU Update #4
Today we stayed at the church in Villa el Salvador . Held another series of medical clinics tending to over 70 individuals. Started the sewing ministry making eye glass cases. The word started to get out that those who have received glasses can come back to the church and get a case. VBS started with a bang. Last night for movie time the children watched Magascar and adults watched October Baby.
PERU Update #3
Another great day on the mission field. We ministered to 117 individuals through the medical, dental and vision clinics. We learned so much from yesterday and were able to be much more efficient today. Such a blessing to witness the team in action and seeing God's work being done. Smiling faces as people read the bible after receiving their glasses.
PERU Updates
After a delayed departure on our connecting flight and running on minimal sleep, the team has completed their 1st day. We went to Brisas where we joined with FBC Villa el Salvador members and held a children's celebration. Activities included using puppets to tell a bible story, balloon animals, face painting, making salvation bracelets, coloring and playing a game with beach balls the same colors as the salvation bracelets. Thirty children came out to join in the celebration.
EAST ASIA - Last Update prior to returning Home
We completed our journey yesterday by having a Bible Study with missionaries from numerous organizations as well as our final gathering with university students last evening.
The missionaries were from all over the world - Europe, Africa, North America, and Asia . It was a wonderful time to hear their stories of victory as well as some of their heartbreaks for this, their adopted country. It was an honor to pray over them that God would sustain them during challenging times.
And then, our last night in this city was consumed with loving on the students and sharing our faith with many of them. As usual, we had loads of fun as we played games, ate together, shared in spiritual conversations, and finally to say goodbye. It is amazing what strong relationships can be built over just a few days. However our work would not have been completed without sharing the Gospel with these future leaders. They were like sponges, in that they were totally submersed in these discussions. There were difficult questions and honest answers, there is one true God and that there is not other way to Him than through Jesus Christ.
We were able to leave some "Books" with them to read and encouraged them to stay connected to our friends here. We look forward to seeing what God will do in and through these students in the days ahead.
Today is day 12 and we will be leaving for a nearby, large city to catch our flight out early tomorrow morning. We will have a final session with our hosts here this morning to debrief and then board a bus for the five hour journey.
Please pray for our journey home as we leave with sadness to be leaving our newfound friends but also excited to see our families and friends soon. Thank you so much for your support and especially your prayers, we believe they have been answered in many ways!
EAST ASIA - Update #6
Well we may have lost some time in communicating all that has taken place for the past several days but I'll try to catch up with this message. Some of this may be a repetition.
We left the Capitol city to the south and caught an overnight train back to the border. After arrival, we had breakfast and left on a bus ride scheduled for 9 hours. We arrived early and made a mad dash across this large city from the East Bus Station to the West Side Station. We made it in time for a connection leaving in about 30 minutes! This bus ride was about 5 more hours and we arrived at our destination around midnight (27 hours since we started this trip). We were tired and hungry since we had not eaten since early in the day.
around the local university and also passed out invitations for evening activities over the next three nights.
Half of our team went to a local house church while the balance of the team met with students for a time of games, singing, and fellowship. Both of these activities were very enjoyable and productive.
Today (Saturday, 8/3), we met with university students who volunteered to serve as tour guides for the old, historic part of the city. We divided up in three teams with two students and two from our team (Americans). This was a great opportunity to get to know these students, who are not believers, better and develop bridges to move into spiritual conversations. We will be meeting with many more students this evening as well.
Our team continues to serve with great unity and a wonderful spirit of love. Everyone remains healthy and we're catching up on our rest.
Keep praying that we will be able to share our faith in a way that some of these students might come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for open doors and open hearts with neighbors, drivers, and even the hotel workers.
Yesterday, our team was split up and each group went to a different worship service. Both were wonderful and there was a sweet spirit as we joined our Asian brothers and sisters in worshipping our Lord. We then joined in a time of fellowship over lunch.
In the evening we had our third consecutive evening, coffee house talk with university students. Besides board games, karaoke, and a dance demonstration, we engaged in wonderful conversations in small groups. We continue to build relationships that we trust will be carried over with the local believers.
We just have one more day of ministry and then we will travel, by bus, five hours back to the city of departure. Please pray for continued good health and safe travels home.
EAST ASIA Updates #5
Our two days in this Capitol city was a whirlwind as we attempted to meet with a large group of university students, individual students, and our local missionaries (3). Of course we had to fit in a couple of sightseeing stops to validate our visit.
The first evening, we had about 20 university students attend our coffee house talk. David gave an overview of where we lived and I think the students really enjoyed themselves. He also sang some songs and led the group in some others.
I was able to share about some of our church's work around the world and the reasons we were engaged in those projects. We then broke up into small groups for a wonderful time of discussing spiritual topics.
Our second day consisted of meeting with our missionaries for debriefing and strategy planning for future visits. It was a great time to encourage them and be inspired by their stories. It was also a time to be reminded of their great sacrifices for the Gospel.
The balance of our time was consumed with individual sessions with students who had previously made decisions for Christ. Then we prepared to begin our journey back up north on the overnight train.
Team is doing well and trusting in the Father's favor for the balance of our journey. Keep praying for many to come to faith in these final days.
Team Asia
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
We have had a whirlwind couple of days so this is an attempt to catch up a little.
Day 4 was spent with our host family continuing to build on relationships begun earlier in the year. It rained most of the day, and very heavy, so we were sad not to be able to get out to see more people but fortunate to be able to spend even more time with this wonderful family.
We left on an overnight train and arrived in the Capitol city early on day 5. Our hotel rooms would not be available for several hours so we spent the time walking around our part of the city to see the sights and sounds of this bustling Asian city.
After some early sightseeing, we began a period of time meeting with students individually and in large groups. During the evening we were blessed to spend 3 hours sharing with 15 or so university students and only one was a member of the "family." Our team divided up with each person sharing with two or three students and great progress was made by everyone.
Day 6 will be filled with meeting our M's here, meeting with individual students, and a little sightseeing to fulfill our obligation. Please continue to see the Father's blessings on everything that takes place today and then our travel back up north on an overnight train.
Monday, July 29, 2013
We finished yesterday (Saturday) with a wonderful time in worship with a local house fellowship! It was a sweet time together as both groups were encouraged through joint praise and worship. We sang songs in both languages and testimonies were shared by individuals from each country.
Then it was back on an overnight bus trip to a neighboring country. After 12 hours, we finally made it to our next destination and were able to join another local, house group in their Sunday time of worship. Even though we had traveled to a different country, we were still blessed with sweet fellowship and wonderful hospitality.
There were seven baby dedications in today's service and one, especially special dedication. I have to offer a little explanation for this story. In January, we had finished a service and was headed down the road when a young woman ran after us and asked for prayer. She had three previous miscarriages and was quite discouraged. We prayed for her that The Lord would show favor on this young couple and bless them with a child.
Well today, this woman came up to have us pray over their newborn son. Our interpreter shared that this was the young woman we had prayed for in January and she and her husband had not named the child and wanted me to have this honor. It is hard to put into words the emotions that came over me with this request. This was truly one of the most humbling experiences in my life.
We have a busy day tomorrow spending time with our unreached people group family. Then tomorrow evening we have an overnight train ride to the Capitol city where we will spend two days connecting with university students - both old and new friends.
Please continue to pray for open doors with this minority tribe as well as the students. Also pray for safety in travels and our physical health. Everyone is doing extremely well despite a challenging travel schedule.
We have arrived safely in Shanghia and are waiting for our final flight into Kunming . Train service to one of our destinations was full so pray that another option will open up for us. I'll let you know when we arrive In Kunming.
Good Morning,
We arrived early this morning (Sunday) and after a few hours of sleep, we are off to the Father's house for a "family" time. Later this afternoon we will be attending an English corner for strengthening university students' English skills. And then finally this evening we will begin our overnight bus ride to the country to the south.
Everyone is tired but excited about what the next few days will hold and trusting the Father for all things. We'll try to update again later today or tomorrow, once we have arrived in the village where we will stay with our friends for the next few days.
Keep us in your thoughts and before the Father for open doors and physical strength.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
NAME #8 On their Way Home
From Tracy :
As I type this I am supposed to be catching a few hours of zzzzz's as we have a 12 hour layover in Dubai . We are flying an airline that provides a hotel room for longer layovers. Unfortunately we arrived midday. So, we ate a delicious vouchered lunch and took a shuttle to Dubai Mall. After a couple hours of sensory overload, we have returned to our rooms. Alas, it is only 7:30 here and sleep will not come. So, I fear that when we leave for the airport at midnight for our 2:20 flight, I will be on the verge of collapse. Please, do pray for safe and smooth travels as we return home and some sleep on our 14+ hour flight to Dulles.
Our last day was spent on a modified "snow day" schedule. We had to avoid many areas but thankfully we were able to do a long prayer drive covering both government ministries and commerce areas. We were joined by a husband and wife who run a business in country. It was wonderful to be able to support them in prayer. We returned home for a quick lunch and finished praying for the last three regions of this country. In a brief 6 days, we have learned so much about this poor nation that at one time was rich. Praying that they may come to the source of spiritual wealth and find healing for their souls and land. The last few hours of our afternoon were spent scrambling around to secure goodies to take home. As the usual places were deemed unsafe, we focused on a little market and a larger grocery store (think of the most ratchet Walmart and you may be close). We then enjoyed a taco soup and salad dinner complete with peach cobbler, brownies and ice cream. A stateside feast for our friends. After a brief packing frenzy, I spent the rest of the night chatting with our friends until after midnight. The power was out most of the night which lead to fitful sleep but long stretches of time praying throughout the hot night hours and the 3:30 call to prayer. 5:00 a.m. came too soon as did our farewell hugs and prayers. :'(
I have so many thoughts that I will share in the coming days. Spiritual lessons from a dry,dark, thirsty land.
Thank you for your support both in prayer, goodies for the families and financial support to make it possible (it is not too late to help in that manner, just email me and I'll tell you how.)
The next message you get from me will be stateside,.... Love you all so!
Our last day was spent on a modified "snow day" schedule. We had to avoid many areas but thankfully we were able to do a long prayer drive covering both government ministries and commerce areas. We were joined by a husband and wife who run a business in country. It was wonderful to be able to support them in prayer. We returned home for a quick lunch and finished praying for the last three regions of this country. In a brief 6 days, we have learned so much about this poor nation that at one time was rich. Praying that they may come to the source of spiritual wealth and find healing for their souls and land. The last few hours of our afternoon were spent scrambling around to secure goodies to take home. As the usual places were deemed unsafe, we focused on a little market and a larger grocery store (think of the most ratchet Walmart and you may be close). We then enjoyed a taco soup and salad dinner complete with peach cobbler, brownies and ice cream. A stateside feast for our friends. After a brief packing frenzy, I spent the rest of the night chatting with our friends until after midnight. The power was out most of the night which lead to fitful sleep but long stretches of time praying throughout the hot night hours and the 3:30 call to prayer. 5:00 a.m. came too soon as did our farewell hugs and prayers. :'(
I have so many thoughts that I will share in the coming days. Spiritual lessons from a dry,dark, thirsty land.
Thank you for your support both in prayer, goodies for the families and financial support to make it possible (it is not too late to help in that manner, just email me and I'll tell you how.)
The next message you get from me will be stateside,.... Love you all so!
NAME Update #7
Pray believing
The last few days have been the best of times and the worst of times for me on our On Tuesday I said, if nothing else happens our time with these men was worth the journey and then today happens…After a tour of the city in strategic locations of intercession one of our friends who lives here was approached by a neighbor and invited to break fast. Now that sounds innocuous enough as others were invited as well, but the fact that Americans were invited for the first time in over a year in this neighborhood…answered prayer.
We were told that women and children could come and socialize separately of course, but when we arrived, the women of our group were the only ones present besides the hostess. Nonetheless, it was an amazing evening. My friends who live here spent much time getting to know their neighbors and they would tell me pieces along the way. One guy was the engineer for the communications grid in the capital city. Others were leaders in the community and we were breaking Arabian bread with them! They gave us business cards, fed us, offered us the cultural after dinner vices which we kindly declined, sprayed us with two types of perfume, and then we talked some more.
This does not sound momentous by American standards, but in this country what happened today was miraculous! Among the many people who we met, one young man had lived in
I have seen miracles today and I’m not sure that I will ever pray the same again. Tomorrow is our last day. Please remember us as we visit the group of men that we visited earlier in the week.
NAME Update #6
It looks like Craig had an amoeba. Antibiotics are working and he is on the mend. For workers in the foreign fields, the word "amoeba" connotes days of misery as the nasty little creature wreaks havoc in the GI tract. When the rest of us hear that word, we have terrifying flashbacks to the single-cell organism lesson in high school biology class. Mitochondrion, vacuole, cytoplasm ... Brrr. Gives me the shivers. Hopefully the team will get out of the snow today.
From Tracy :
Praise: Craig seems to be recovering. Please continue to pray for him that tomorrow he will be 100% for our last day in country as well as fully recouped and hydrated for the long journey home.
Today was a modified "snow day". We were able to get some prayer driving in and even managed to break fast in a local's home. We spent our morning prayer time praying for two other regions of the country as well as praying for homes, women, families and sheikhs. After a quick lunch, we prayer-drove around different communities of influence as well as the neighborhoods where workers live. We started and finished that drive in the K family's neighborhood. To that point, they had found all the neighbors homes closed to them. Within 20 minutes of finishing our prayer time, we received an invite for all 13 of us to break fast with a neighbor local. It was an IMMEDIATE answer. He is so good all the time!
After an afternoon break, we dressed and joined a very sweet family to break the Ramadan fast. The men dined on the rooftop while the women had a progressive meal from one diwan (sitting room) to another. Many relationship were forged for both the workers and for Maddie and I. Super exciting!
Tomorrow is our last day. Praying for full release from our restricted status. But in any case, God is faithful and has a beautiful plan.
Today was a modified "snow day". We were able to get some prayer driving in and even managed to break fast in a local's home. We spent our morning prayer time praying for two other regions of the country as well as praying for homes, women, families and sheikhs. After a quick lunch, we prayer-drove around different communities of influence as well as the neighborhoods where workers live. We started and finished that drive in the K family's neighborhood. To that point, they had found all the neighbors homes closed to them. Within 20 minutes of finishing our prayer time, we received an invite for all 13 of us to break fast with a neighbor local. It was an IMMEDIATE answer. He is so good all the time!
After an afternoon break, we dressed and joined a very sweet family to break the Ramadan fast. The men dined on the rooftop while the women had a progressive meal from one diwan (sitting room) to another. Many relationship were forged for both the workers and for Maddie and I. Super exciting!
Tomorrow is our last day. Praying for full release from our restricted status. But in any case, God is faithful and has a beautiful plan.
From Maddie:
TOO MUCH FOOD!!!!! That was the only thought going through my head when we were at the breaking of the fast. Don't get me wrong, everything placed before us was incredible but they must think I am seriously starving. Who do these ladies think I am? I know that I am an American but I can't eat 10 pounds of food and come out of the house without a wheelbarrow.
Despite my food baby and approaching diabetes, the evening was a miracle. Not 20 minutes after we prayed to have the opportunity to bond with members of the community did we get invited to the break fast meal. What a timely response from the one who answers our prayers. What a blessing it is for us to know that Our Father answers our prayers. It reminds me that everyone practicing false religion do not get that blessing from their "god". How can I know that and still selfishly keep the truth to myself?
Praying for more miraculous opportunities on our final day here. I hate to say it but our time here is short. Even still, Our Father will do with us what should be done.
TOO MUCH FOOD!!!!! That was the only thought going through my head when we were at the breaking of the fast. Don't get me wrong, everything placed before us was incredible but they must think I am seriously starving. Who do these ladies think I am? I know that I am an American but I can't eat 10 pounds of food and come out of the house without a wheelbarrow.
Despite my food baby and approaching diabetes, the evening was a miracle. Not 20 minutes after we prayed to have the opportunity to bond with members of the community did we get invited to the break fast meal. What a timely response from the one who answers our prayers. What a blessing it is for us to know that Our Father answers our prayers. It reminds me that everyone practicing false religion do not get that blessing from their "god". How can I know that and still selfishly keep the truth to myself?
Praying for more miraculous opportunities on our final day here. I hate to say it but our time here is short. Even still, Our Father will do with us what should be done.
Women's meal at the local's home. The women get the leftovers after the men are served … and no water.
NAME Update #5
No real update today:
Today was our sabbath. We gathered with the team for worship, prayer, teaching and than we broke bread together with lunch. The afternoon was spent chatting, planning for the future of how to better support and partner with the team here.
Late in the afternoon, I managed to get my second 6+ mile run in. For all you who run in the humidity, I have loved running here, well except the fact for the fact that it takes approximately 25 times around the outside of their house to cover 1 mile. The altitude (7600 feet) has had no noticeable effect on me particularly compared to the effects of running in VB heat and humidity.
We ended our day with a movie and popcorn night with Brave. As the movie ended, the echoes of the reading of the Quran, prayers and fireworks echoed in the streets.
Please continue to pray for Craig. As I type this it is 9:00 pm here. He started our visit here with respiratory crud, evidently both his wife and youngest daughter had similar issues, which got worse and was treated with a Zpak. The Zpak upset his stomach and fever has also followed, which both of his ladies had as well. Our hope is that he actually has a parasite from food as he is now on an antibiotic for that as well. The recovery for that would be in the next 6 hours. Recovery from a stateside bug would be longer. We have prayed as a group for him and all feel this is an attack to keep us from our last two days of prayer work. We greatly covet your prayers for his immediate recovery!
Additionally, pray for the restrictions to be lifted so that we can get out and about to pray. While praying in house is fine, praying on site for different ministries, communities and businesses is better.
Only two more days in country and then we begin our long travel home.
Love to you all and many thanks!
Today was our sabbath. We gathered with the team for worship, prayer, teaching and than we broke bread together with lunch. The afternoon was spent chatting, planning for the future of how to better support and partner with the team here.
Late in the afternoon, I managed to get my second 6+ mile run in. For all you who run in the humidity, I have loved running here, well except the fact for the fact that it takes approximately 25 times around the outside of their house to cover 1 mile. The altitude (7600 feet) has had no noticeable effect on me particularly compared to the effects of running in VB heat and humidity.
We ended our day with a movie and popcorn night with Brave. As the movie ended, the echoes of the reading of the Quran, prayers and fireworks echoed in the streets.
Please continue to pray for Craig. As I type this it is 9:00 pm here. He started our visit here with respiratory crud, evidently both his wife and youngest daughter had similar issues, which got worse and was treated with a Zpak. The Zpak upset his stomach and fever has also followed, which both of his ladies had as well. Our hope is that he actually has a parasite from food as he is now on an antibiotic for that as well. The recovery for that would be in the next 6 hours. Recovery from a stateside bug would be longer. We have prayed as a group for him and all feel this is an attack to keep us from our last two days of prayer work. We greatly covet your prayers for his immediate recovery!
Additionally, pray for the restrictions to be lifted so that we can get out and about to pray. While praying in house is fine, praying on site for different ministries, communities and businesses is better.
Only two more days in country and then we begin our long travel home.
Love to you all and many thanks!
NAME Update #4
The following excerpt was written by Maddie. She is 14.
Hello everyone! It is I, Maddie. :)
It is finally my turn to make the update so I apologize right now if you want to hear something really deep that makes you rethink your life. That is my mom's job.
Anyway, today was a "snow day" for all of us here. Complications in the area caused us to be inside all day. We spent the morning in our usual prayer group. I can't help but notice how deep and insightful everyone's prayers are. Where are the scripts they are rehearsing from and how can I get one? It makes me feel bad about my meal-time prayer, "thank you for the food.......amen."
We had leftover shwarma for lunch. Is anyone else thinking of Tony Stark right now??? "I saw this great shwarma place down the road that I have been meaning to try ... "
While others spent the day resting, I spent it shoving syringes into the mouths of the kittens.
Also as a part of my "snow day" I had the opportunity to play cards with three others here.
On a more serious note, today was just a day of rest and reflection. After thinking on all the experiences that I have had here I realized how Our Father has been watching over us the whole time. From the first plane ride to the cook-out we are currently having, everything has been for the best as we share His hope with people in theMiddle East . Hopefully we will have many more adventures to come. Maybe in the next few days we will not have to shove liquid down a kitten's throat.
A note fromTracy : The K family has a litter of 5 kittens. We have experienced a number of "hiccups" here from delayed flights, ill team members, ill workers and the snow day. Another one was that one of the kittens, Bunny, nearly died yesterday but with meds and water syringes has had a bit of a recovery and will hopefully continue to thrive. Prayers appreciated for these small distractions to not keep any of us from the work He has before us in our last three days.
It is finally my turn to make the update so I apologize right now if you want to hear something really deep that makes you rethink your life. That is my mom's job.
Anyway, today was a "snow day" for all of us here. Complications in the area caused us to be inside all day. We spent the morning in our usual prayer group. I can't help but notice how deep and insightful everyone's prayers are. Where are the scripts they are rehearsing from and how can I get one? It makes me feel bad about my meal-time prayer, "thank you for the food.......amen."
We had leftover shwarma for lunch. Is anyone else thinking of Tony Stark right now??? "I saw this great shwarma place down the road that I have been meaning to try ... "
While others spent the day resting, I spent it shoving syringes into the mouths of the kittens.
Also as a part of my "snow day" I had the opportunity to play cards with three others here.
On a more serious note, today was just a day of rest and reflection. After thinking on all the experiences that I have had here I realized how Our Father has been watching over us the whole time. From the first plane ride to the cook-out we are currently having, everything has been for the best as we share His hope with people in the
A note from
Geoff again: Some have asked: what is a "snow day"? That is when the security situation in country has made it too dangerous to safely go outside. So the team resorts to creative ways of serving - and playing with kittens - until the situation resolves and they can get back outside. But seriously, "snow days" are what these workers are faced with on a daily basis. Isn't it great to live in the United States ? And how do we respond to that favor and bounty with which God blessed us?
NAME Update #3also
Monday: adjustment day. Visited with K family. Gave gifts. Met team. Heard and felt their DEEP need to support by email, by pr, by deed as they are here. For their families as the children also experience this isolation of no friends and complete dependence on just a very small unit. Very challenging and at times very lonely and isolated.
Tuesday: 2 hour pr time for 2 regions and for us to SEE as He does, to SEE details around us and for them to SEE Him! Lunch Break then on to an Imman's castle. Poverty and need, begging small, small children and piles of rubble and debris on the ride there. Nothing in theUS even gets close. Ancient castle tour by a local. Pr for him as he is "friends" with a number of family members. Drive home was crazy as folks were out and about making final preparations to break the fast of R. The days are very quiet but around 4:00 everything comes to life as folks hustle to prepare for the evening of eating... after the day of fasting and pr.
We (M, G, and I ) just returned from joining a local group of 4 ladies, 1 college girl and 3 children, all girls for the fast breaking meal. We went with 2 "sisters" and the college girl asked lots of good questions and tracked along with the answers. All this was in Arabic but M & I were the source of the questions. Just our coming raised questions about THE Love. Additionally, one of the women knows a native woman in Va who recently lost her husband. I gave them my number to share with her. Hoping to connect with her as she has two children and has lived in the states 16 years and the doesn't feel at home in the ME anymore despite having no family inVa. These women as every family in this part of the world are the most loving women. They desperately want us to return and share another meal, henna and dressing up in traditional bridal clothing for pictures. They insisted on giving M a gift. A special treasure (I will email a picture in the morning when the web is faster.) Pr for each of these special treasures to the Father particularly me connecting with the Va gal and the continuing relationship/seeking of the college girl and her family.
The guys are still out breaking the fast with a "seeker". It is 10:10 here so that is an encouraging sign.
Our work here is not "exciting" by other trip standards. We are pr walking on site, inviting the HS to work in areas where perhaps He has never-ever-ever had an invitation.
Tuesday: 2 hour pr time for 2 regions and for us to SEE as He does, to SEE details around us and for them to SEE Him! Lunch Break then on to an Imman's castle. Poverty and need, begging small, small children and piles of rubble and debris on the ride there. Nothing in the
We (M, G, and I ) just returned from joining a local group of 4 ladies, 1 college girl and 3 children, all girls for the fast breaking meal. We went with 2 "sisters" and the college girl asked lots of good questions and tracked along with the answers. All this was in Arabic but M & I were the source of the questions. Just our coming raised questions about THE Love. Additionally, one of the women knows a native woman in Va who recently lost her husband. I gave them my number to share with her. Hoping to connect with her as she has two children and has lived in the states 16 years and the doesn't feel at home in the ME anymore despite having no family in
The guys are still out breaking the fast with a "seeker". It is 10:10 here so that is an encouraging sign.
Our work here is not "exciting" by other trip standards. We are pr walking on site, inviting the HS to work in areas where perhaps He has never-ever-ever had an invitation.
Observations for pr from Where we are :
People living in fear and distrust. Freedom from that to b receptive and believe
Poverty: the extreme poverty and beggars highlights their great spiritual need of the people.
Women could only view nature through very small slotted windows and their bedroom windows were shuttered. For veils on hearts and cloak of lies of I'm
People living in fear and distrust. Freedom from that to b receptive and believe
Poverty: the extreme poverty and beggars highlights their great spiritual need of the people.
Women could only view nature through very small slotted windows and their bedroom windows were shuttered. For veils on hearts and cloak of lies of I'm
NAME Update #3
From Tracy …
Wednesday, Day 3
Today was a heavy prayer day. We started with 2 hours of focused prayer for a region of this country, the persecuted church and prisoners. After a brief lunch we headed out to prayer drive various prisons and the site of an ancient forsaken church and a vista of much of the city. We had the opportunity to wander the old city a bit. The narrow streets were filled with the smell of spices being sold in burlap bags, the bustle of veiled, robed women securing last items for their fast breaking meal, the robed men loitering chatting with friends all while motor bikes and vehicles squeezed down narrow, windy old stone streets. We returned home for a brief rest and then enjoyed a typical fast breaking meal out that started in Muslim style with dates. I can't get enough. That will be on my wish list and in among my luggage when I return. Dates in the states are like 10-year-old, dried up dates here. Ending my day with water (I have drank 5X the amount here than at home) and girl talk with D. LOVE IT!!!
Today was a heavy prayer day. We started with 2 hours of focused prayer for a region of this country, the persecuted church and prisoners. After a brief lunch we headed out to prayer drive various prisons and the site of an ancient forsaken church and a vista of much of the city. We had the opportunity to wander the old city a bit. The narrow streets were filled with the smell of spices being sold in burlap bags, the bustle of veiled, robed women securing last items for their fast breaking meal, the robed men loitering chatting with friends all while motor bikes and vehicles squeezed down narrow, windy old stone streets. We returned home for a brief rest and then enjoyed a typical fast breaking meal out that started in Muslim style with dates. I can't get enough. That will be on my wish list and in among my luggage when I return. Dates in the states are like 10-year-old, dried up dates here. Ending my day with water (I have drank 5X the amount here than at home) and girl talk with D. LOVE IT!!!
NAME Update #2
Is it really ONLY day 2? Today was filled with amazing time with friends as we learned about people groups in this region of great need. As we interceded for them, some themes became apparent:
A few people within each group had started the pilgrimage of faith that we profess. Much of our hope is that their faith would multiply. What if those shoes were on our feet and we would be ostracized for such a change?
That change was wholly dependent on the Father. The intense spiritual warfare here can only be waged…spiritually. Our clever strategies are virtually worthless when you dialogue with people here. The Spirit must be working to soften hardened hearts or you will find yourself doing theological doughnuts.
We wrapped up this time listening to “Build Your Kingdom Here” by Rend Collective Experiment and the words breathed fresh fire into our souls as we prepared to serve.
The rest of the day included a historical experience to teach us about the culture. On the way, we stopped at a scenic overlook and a man tried to kiss my hand out of respect.
Having never had such an experience, I did not comply. I later realized that he was begging and I thought, “I would have paid him NOT to kiss my hand!
Our time at the historical location went well and our friend dialogued with three men who were from a notorious region. I also crossed paths with a family who sat next to me on the flight into this country.
The rest of the day was a bit of a roller coaster as we tried to confirm an invitation to break the fast during Ramadan with a group of men. The women already had their opportunity confirmed, but ours did not seem to be coming to fruition. Then we received a call late in the afternoon and we were on! Our hosts were amazing as we spent the first part talking and watching Ramadan special dramas (aka soap operas). The door was closed to the rest of the house and we never met the wife of our host, but she would knock every once in a while and our host would bring in a treat until dinner was served. When dinner was served we moved into another room and sat around a blanket filled with food. There were no empty plates so everyone ate “together” dipping out each bite with portions of Arabian bread. It sounds scary to Americans, but the meal was so good and a lot of fun. A part of me wondered if that is closer to what Jesus experienced with his disciples and could these men become disciples??? After our meal, we retired to the tv room again but the conversation quickly picked up pace as most of the men smoked and talked religion and politics. “M” sat next to me and asked about my occupation. So I explained how I am a teacher who uses biblical principles to teach life skills. Upon hearing this, he said, “I have been reading about John in the Bible. What can you tell me about him?” From there we had an amazing dialogue and many doors were opened for future conversations. The host continued to offer us sweet breads, fruit, and other cultural expressions until after 10pm when we kindly needed to bid these men good evening.
Needless to say significant progress was made tonight simply because we showed these people who are different from us respect. I wish more of you could have this experience and see the miraculous things that I experienced this evening. Keep praying as we still have several days remaining.
A few people within each group had started the pilgrimage of faith that we profess. Much of our hope is that their faith would multiply. What if those shoes were on our feet and we would be ostracized for such a change?
That change was wholly dependent on the Father. The intense spiritual warfare here can only be waged…spiritually. Our clever strategies are virtually worthless when you dialogue with people here. The Spirit must be working to soften hardened hearts or you will find yourself doing theological doughnuts.
We wrapped up this time listening to “Build Your Kingdom Here” by Rend Collective Experiment and the words breathed fresh fire into our souls as we prepared to serve.
The rest of the day included a historical experience to teach us about the culture. On the way, we stopped at a scenic overlook and a man tried to kiss my hand out of respect.
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Scenic Overlook |
Our time at the historical location went well and our friend dialogued with three men who were from a notorious region. I also crossed paths with a family who sat next to me on the flight into this country.
The rest of the day was a bit of a roller coaster as we tried to confirm an invitation to break the fast during Ramadan with a group of men. The women already had their opportunity confirmed, but ours did not seem to be coming to fruition. Then we received a call late in the afternoon and we were on! Our hosts were amazing as we spent the first part talking and watching Ramadan special dramas (aka soap operas). The door was closed to the rest of the house and we never met the wife of our host, but she would knock every once in a while and our host would bring in a treat until dinner was served. When dinner was served we moved into another room and sat around a blanket filled with food. There were no empty plates so everyone ate “together” dipping out each bite with portions of Arabian bread. It sounds scary to Americans, but the meal was so good and a lot of fun. A part of me wondered if that is closer to what Jesus experienced with his disciples and could these men become disciples??? After our meal, we retired to the tv room again but the conversation quickly picked up pace as most of the men smoked and talked religion and politics. “M” sat next to me and asked about my occupation. So I explained how I am a teacher who uses biblical principles to teach life skills. Upon hearing this, he said, “I have been reading about John in the Bible. What can you tell me about him?” From there we had an amazing dialogue and many doors were opened for future conversations. The host continued to offer us sweet breads, fruit, and other cultural expressions until after 10pm when we kindly needed to bid these men good evening.
Needless to say significant progress was made tonight simply because we showed these people who are different from us respect. I wish more of you could have this experience and see the miraculous things that I experienced this evening. Keep praying as we still have several days remaining.
NAME Update #1 (July 15th)
Team Name (North Africa Middle East) is off to a great start despite a two hour delay at the Norfolk airport. All of our connections were amazing and our team has landed ready to serve!
Here are just a few thoughts as we start this journey:
Our journey takes us from one of the wealthiest of countries to the poorest of Middle Eastern countries. The contrasts are significant as we leave fluorescently decorated exteriors of one airport with advertisements done in hologram-like characters in Dubai to a third world area that is struggling to maintain electricity.
Surprise! When people on the various airlines have realized where we are going, the response is always that of utter surprise. How awesome it is to surprise people with the love of the Father! While many are living in fear when it comes to this unreached people, a few of our best are living here as our Ambassadors! Visitors are so rare that we feel like royalty as we enter this country. Our ambassadors have even rearranged their schedules in order to greet us and show us the beauty of this people. Why have our gatherings neglected this choice group so much? I am so excited to be going although there is trepidation from time to time. The people are so warm and friendly.
Here are just a few thoughts as we start this journey:
Our journey takes us from one of the wealthiest of countries to the poorest of Middle Eastern countries. The contrasts are significant as we leave fluorescently decorated exteriors of one airport with advertisements done in hologram-like characters in Dubai to a third world area that is struggling to maintain electricity.
Surprise! When people on the various airlines have realized where we are going, the response is always that of utter surprise. How awesome it is to surprise people with the love of the Father! While many are living in fear when it comes to this unreached people, a few of our best are living here as our Ambassadors! Visitors are so rare that we feel like royalty as we enter this country. Our ambassadors have even rearranged their schedules in order to greet us and show us the beauty of this people. Why have our gatherings neglected this choice group so much? I am so excited to be going although there is trepidation from time to time. The people are so warm and friendly.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
ALASKA Update #3
Wednesday was another day of passing out fliers for the park block party on Wednesday night. Both parties were well attended by members of the community. Today (Thursday) is our last day of passing out fliers for the last of this weeks park parties. Praying that seeds will be planted for Brent, Will and the members of True North.
ALASKA Update #2
Update on day 2 - passed out fliers in the morning in different areas of Anchorage for the 2 block parties Tuesday night. One park party was on the strip in downtown Anchorage and the other was at Fairview Park. Both were well attended with great opportunities for the members of True North to love on the people of Anchorage.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
URUGUAY Update #2
Hello All,
Our first full day turned out to be an amazing day! Your prayers over the team are definitely apparent. We were able to lead 3 bball camps throughout the day. The last two were formal with students. We led camp and scrimmaged for nearly three hours straight. Every member of the team is sharing the love of Jesus by action and words. Some of the guys that were in the camp came by the hotel to spend time with the young guys :o) The fellowship led to opportunities to share the gospel. Cody was able to communicate in Spanish and pray with the boys last night!!! While we feel physically tired as we start this day, we are rejoicing in the Lord for the times we were able to share God's truth in scripture and the gospel "good news". We are reminded again today that the news is not "good" unless it gets to the people who need it on time. Our devotion this morning focused on the goal of continuing to renew our minds throughout the day so we are ready with boldness to share today.
In less than an hour we load the bus to head to Cardona. The work there is not as organized as it has been the last few days. Flexibility is always important, not only on a mission trip. :o) Pray for our openness and patience in the unorganized moments.
Also continue to pray that we will be wholly in the moments that God takes us into. Lyle and Claren, our missionary friends here is Uruguay , are wonderful.
Include AJ in your prayers for quick recovery. He has gotten sick over the night. Sarah, we are loving on him. Claren is taking good care of him :o)
Alaska Team
The Alaska Team called and said that all of them arrived there safely Friday evening. They wanted to make sure everyone knew that they had arrived safely and that everything is going well. They had a couple of great days of service. They said that they are sorry about not getting an update out sooner and they will try to send out another update later today - but WiFi is hard to come by.
Team Alaska has arrived safely in Anchorage. Great service with True North and Brent - Sunday morning and Monday night. They also participate in a service at True North's Church plant where there were 75 people in attendance. True North has grown since last years trip! On Monday, 3 team members served at the Soup Kitchen while the other 4 team members delivered boxes and boxes of donuts to the business community, they also helped several people fix there homes. Preparing today for the first of 3 block parties beginning Tuesday. Will have more tomorrow! They are keeping busy serving the Lord.
Team Alaska has arrived safely in Anchorage. Great service with True North and Brent - Sunday morning and Monday night. They also participate in a service at True North's Church plant where there were 75 people in attendance. True North has grown since last years trip! On Monday, 3 team members served at the Soup Kitchen while the other 4 team members delivered boxes and boxes of donuts to the business community, they also helped several people fix there homes. Preparing today for the first of 3 block parties beginning Tuesday. Will have more tomorrow! They are keeping busy serving the Lord.
The three people on this team left this past Saturday from Norfolk International - but were delayed a couple of hours due to bad weather in New York. They arrived in NewYork with a half an hour to spare before their connecting International Flight was to take off. The team departed JFK airport late Saturday evening - and had a 12 hour flight ahead of them. Monday morning they arrived at their final destination and reunited with the family (they will be serving with) and were adjusting to the time difference. Their work over there was going to start shortly.
A big thank you goes out to all of you who gave so generously to the requests / needs for items that the family can not get there overseas. The team did in fact manage to get ALL of the "goodies" packed in their luggage. I have included a few photos of the luggage containing some of the generous donations.
Our team leader put the remaining 1/3 of the donations in his luggage. T did an excellent job packing all of the donated items that the family overseas asked for. This sweet family shared all of these precious donated commodities among 6 families/individuals that they are co-laboring with - and keeping only a fraction of it for themselves. Thank You again to everyone who generously gave. Please be in prayer for this team while they are serving overseas.
After coming off of our Friday-Saturday long travel time, we have experienced an amazing Sunday. Worship in the house church on Sunday night was amazing. Wesley Valentine and Cody Ford shared their personal testimony. Steve Roustio shared the message. The prayers that have been offered were evident in the way God spoke through our team. In the afternoon, we spent time at a local outdoor basketball court developing initial relationships. Monday is our first full day of ministry. We are scheduled to offer three camps during the day in which we will share the gospel. Pray the students will be receptive.
Team Uruguay
Team Uruguay
Monday, July 1, 2013
Day 2 was spent going to a nearby village that our leader had never been to and performing vision assessments. We were definitely the main attraction when we arrived. It took awhile for our leader to convince one of the villager's to go through the assessment but once 1 of them did it, the flood gates were opened! Thanks to a well timed thunder storm, we were invited into a young lady's home where our leader was able to share the G with her. We named her and her husband "Romeo and Juliet". Pray for them (see attached pic). God is good.
We met with other teammates last night to prepare for the English Camp we're putting on over the weekend. We are seeing about 160 students each day and doing VBS-like sessions (English, Music, Crafts, Recreation, and Drama). We are repeating the same camp tomorrow but with older students.
Trying to make meaningful connections at the camp with our translators. We just had lunch with them and are inviting them to Karaoke this evening. I'm so proud of Team Brillhart. Patty is leading the drama, Somer is heading up the crafts, Moriah is working in music, and Brace is doing recreation. I am teaching the English session.
The English Camp was a big success. The administration at the School we visited was very grateful for what our team did.
We had about 7-8 people join us last night for Karaoke. All of us went back and forth singing various American and Native songs. Then our leader plugged in his iPod and we started singing a few Christian songs (How Great is Our God, How He Loves, etc.). You should have seen Brace pump out a Lecrae rap - "Don't Waste Your Life." I was so proud of him! Then our leader shared the gospel in their native language. We got contact info from our guests for our leaders to follow up on.
According to our leaders, it was one of the best Karaoke sessions they've ever had. Team Brillhart may have owned the mike last night but God dominated the room. It was an incredible opportunity for us to connect with the East Asian people.
Today we're headed to another school to put on a camp similar to what we did today.
We're missing you guys but thrilled to be a part of reaching these beautiful people for the Lord.
I'll keep you updated. The Word for the day "But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." (2 Tim 4:5)
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