The following excerpt was written by Maddie. She is 14.
Hello everyone! It is I, Maddie. :)
It is finally my turn to make the update so I apologize right now if you want to hear something really deep that makes you rethink your life. That is my mom's job.
Anyway, today was a "snow day" for all of us here. Complications in the area caused us to be inside all day. We spent the morning in our usual prayer group. I can't help but notice how deep and insightful everyone's prayers are. Where are the scripts they are rehearsing from and how can I get one? It makes me feel bad about my meal-time prayer, "thank you for the food.......amen."
We had leftover shwarma for lunch. Is anyone else thinking of Tony Stark right now??? "I saw this great shwarma place down the road that I have been meaning to try ... "
While others spent the day resting, I spent it shoving syringes into the mouths of the kittens.
Also as a part of my "snow day" I had the opportunity to play cards with three others here.
On a more serious note, today was just a day of rest and reflection. After thinking on all the experiences that I have had here I realized how Our Father has been watching over us the whole time. From the first plane ride to the cook-out we are currently having, everything has been for the best as we share His hope with people in theMiddle East . Hopefully we will have many more adventures to come. Maybe in the next few days we will not have to shove liquid down a kitten's throat.
A note fromTracy : The K family has a litter of 5 kittens. We have experienced a number of "hiccups" here from delayed flights, ill team members, ill workers and the snow day. Another one was that one of the kittens, Bunny, nearly died yesterday but with meds and water syringes has had a bit of a recovery and will hopefully continue to thrive. Prayers appreciated for these small distractions to not keep any of us from the work He has before us in our last three days.
It is finally my turn to make the update so I apologize right now if you want to hear something really deep that makes you rethink your life. That is my mom's job.
Anyway, today was a "snow day" for all of us here. Complications in the area caused us to be inside all day. We spent the morning in our usual prayer group. I can't help but notice how deep and insightful everyone's prayers are. Where are the scripts they are rehearsing from and how can I get one? It makes me feel bad about my meal-time prayer, "thank you for the food.......amen."
We had leftover shwarma for lunch. Is anyone else thinking of Tony Stark right now??? "I saw this great shwarma place down the road that I have been meaning to try ... "
While others spent the day resting, I spent it shoving syringes into the mouths of the kittens.
Also as a part of my "snow day" I had the opportunity to play cards with three others here.
On a more serious note, today was just a day of rest and reflection. After thinking on all the experiences that I have had here I realized how Our Father has been watching over us the whole time. From the first plane ride to the cook-out we are currently having, everything has been for the best as we share His hope with people in the
A note from
Geoff again: Some have asked: what is a "snow day"? That is when the security situation in country has made it too dangerous to safely go outside. So the team resorts to creative ways of serving - and playing with kittens - until the situation resolves and they can get back outside. But seriously, "snow days" are what these workers are faced with on a daily basis. Isn't it great to live in the United States ? And how do we respond to that favor and bounty with which God blessed us?