The three people on this team left this past Saturday from Norfolk International - but were delayed a couple of hours due to bad weather in New York. They arrived in NewYork with a half an hour to spare before their connecting International Flight was to take off. The team departed JFK airport late Saturday evening - and had a 12 hour flight ahead of them. Monday morning they arrived at their final destination and reunited with the family (they will be serving with) and were adjusting to the time difference. Their work over there was going to start shortly.
A big thank you goes out to all of you who gave so generously to the requests / needs for items that the family can not get there overseas. The team did in fact manage to get ALL of the "goodies" packed in their luggage. I have included a few photos of the luggage containing some of the generous donations.
Maddie's checked bag (49 lbs). Yes, those are bacon bits on the top of the luggage. They are "haram" (forbidden) and may keep others out of our luggage a bit.
You will also note lotions, lucky charms and other goodies protected in boxes (oreos and pop tarts). All items we take for granted that those over there treasure as tastes from home.
My checked bag (49 lbs). More of similar items plus trivia, grits, Gerber puffs and gifts for the kiddos (Polly Pockets, Ballistiks Cars, Wii games and Chucks).
MANY THANKS to your nearly 200 lbs of donated items!! Y'all ROCK!!!
Our team leader put the remaining 1/3 of the donations in his luggage. T did an excellent job packing all of the donated items that the family overseas asked for. This sweet family shared all of these precious donated commodities among 6 families/individuals that they are co-laboring with - and keeping only a fraction of it for themselves. Thank You again to everyone who generously gave. Please be in prayer for this team while they are serving overseas.