No real update today:
Today was our sabbath. We gathered with the team for worship, prayer, teaching and than we broke bread together with lunch. The afternoon was spent chatting, planning for the future of how to better support and partner with the team here.
Late in the afternoon, I managed to get my second 6+ mile run in. For all you who run in the humidity, I have loved running here, well except the fact for the fact that it takes approximately 25 times around the outside of their house to cover 1 mile. The altitude (7600 feet) has had no noticeable effect on me particularly compared to the effects of running in VB heat and humidity.
We ended our day with a movie and popcorn night with Brave. As the movie ended, the echoes of the reading of the Quran, prayers and fireworks echoed in the streets.
Please continue to pray for Craig. As I type this it is 9:00 pm here. He started our visit here with respiratory crud, evidently both his wife and youngest daughter had similar issues, which got worse and was treated with a Zpak. The Zpak upset his stomach and fever has also followed, which both of his ladies had as well. Our hope is that he actually has a parasite from food as he is now on an antibiotic for that as well. The recovery for that would be in the next 6 hours. Recovery from a stateside bug would be longer. We have prayed as a group for him and all feel this is an attack to keep us from our last two days of prayer work. We greatly covet your prayers for his immediate recovery!
Additionally, pray for the restrictions to be lifted so that we can get out and about to pray. While praying in house is fine, praying on site for different ministries, communities and businesses is better.
Only two more days in country and then we begin our long travel home.
Love to you all and many thanks!