Wednesday, July 24, 2013

NAME Update #7

Pray believing

The last few days have been the best of times and the worst of times for me on our Middle East journey. The best of times as we spend time with dear friends and share in their experience of living among harsh conditions. The worst of times as I have once again battled two serious illnesses at once. As we wrap things up tomorrow, I have to say that it was worth it all.
On Tuesday I said, if nothing else happens our time with these men was worth the journey and then today happens…After a tour of the city in strategic locations of intercession one of our friends who lives here was approached by a neighbor and invited to break fast. Now that sounds innocuous enough as others were invited as well, but the fact that Americans were invited for the first time in over a year in this neighborhood…answered prayer.
We were told that women and children could come and socialize separately of course, but when we arrived, the women of our group were the only ones present besides the hostess. Nonetheless, it was an amazing evening. My friends who live here spent much time getting to know their neighbors and they would tell me pieces along the way. One guy was the engineer for the communications grid in the capital city. Others were leaders in the community and we were breaking Arabian bread with them! They gave us business cards, fed us, offered us the cultural after dinner vices which we kindly declined, sprayed us with two types of perfume, and then we talked some more.
This does not sound momentous by American standards, but in this country what happened today was miraculous! Among the many people who we met, one young man had lived in Arizona for six years. We had some amazing conversation about his family in Dearborn, Michigan and his plans to return to Arizona. And the list goes on. We must be a people who not only prays, but believes that God can do the miraculous where hope is virtually non-existent!
I have seen miracles today and I’m not sure that I will ever pray the same again. Tomorrow is our last day. Please remember us as we visit the group of men that we visited earlier in the week.