Thursday, July 5, 2012

Peru Update #7

Children's Ministry on a small porch

Peru Day 6
The members of the church in Villa El Salvador have begun small group meetings in two smaller communities not too far from the church, we assist in these today.  As our team enters the first community where we will be working, we are greeted with the sights and sounds of many children running and playing.  The fruit of their labor is evident as we arrive at the home where this small group meets each Saturday morning. There are 10-12 children waiting for us.
We begin today by singing some songs with the children.  In Peru (as in America) the children love to sing songs and quickly learn the hand motions that go along with the singing.  Before long we have 30 children on a very small porch area of one of the homes.  We share the story of creation and the children start a craft activity which we use to picture each day of God's work of creation. 
The team now heads to the next community several minutes away.  When we arrive, we enter the home of one of the VES church members.  We begin to setup in this small living area and watch as the children continue to arrive - we are blessed with over 40 children!  God is so very good!!!  As we sing and praise the Lord, we cannot help but notice the beauty of these children that God has created.  In this small group, we share the story of God's love for us, such love that He was willing to die for us - so that our sins may be forgiven.  Our craft today is a heart activity on which we have the children write in Spanish - Jesus loves me - Jesus me ama.  We share the scripture, John 3:16 as we end our time.  It is sad to watch the children leave knowing today is our last day with them, but they will remain in our hearts always.
In the evening we show the movie Magdalena at the church in Villa El Salvador.  It is the story of the great love Jesus has for all people but especially emphasing the love he has for women - as  told by Mary Magdalene.  We had about twenty women and several men who enjoyed the movie and of course, we had popcorn!   At the conclusion of the movie, we talked about what this loves means for women who sometimes feel they have no one to turn to in their time of need.  What a great message for all of us - that Jesus never leaves us, he is always there for us!  

Children holding up their finished hearts.
We end the day sharing a meal prepared by the ladies of the church - what a great time of food & fellowship!