Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Malawi Mission June 25, 2013

Today we split into our two teams and went to the villages. The Southers took Hannah, Elizabeth, Maggie, Caroline, and Samuel to Kololo. There they taught adult Bible studies based on the True Love is Faithful material and did VBS for the children. Several were able to go out on hut-to-hut evangelism. Samuel and Caroline went out together in the evangelism groups, and, now with some experience and confidence, they presented the Gospel to a house where five people listened to them.  All five prayed to accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  Jessica and Stephen left Elizabeth in charge of VBS for the morning as they taught the True Love is Faithful material.

It was a parallel program in Chisindo. Sheila and Vicki conducted VBS with Caitlin, I taught adult Bible studies similar to the other village, and Haley and Hunter went out on hut-to-hut evangelism.  There were a number Christians that they met, and the girls gave them encouragement.

We discovered that the church in Chisindo needed some financial assistance for doors on their church (there are none). In Kololo  there were needs for some grass to plant and for some pole trusses for the roof.  I spoke with our team and told them no pressure, but if anyone wanted to give to these projects I would take up a collection.  Between kids and adults we gave 30,000 kwacha (about $85) to each church, meeting the need in Chisindo and surpassing the need in Kololo.  Is that great or what?!

Our final day of ministry is tomorrow. We are looking forward to see how God will bless the people as we work in the villages.

Ray Smith