Thursday, June 20, 2013


Dear Prayer Warriors,
Dobry Den.  Today is Wednesday and your Ukraine Mission Team had a glorious day of ministry.   We cannot express enough to you all how much we appreciate your faithful prayers for us.  We really can see God answering your prayers each day.

Once again our team had two great VBS camps in the villages of Glybchytcia (morning) and Berezihno (afternoon).  In Glybchytcia, the Lord brought 85 children today.  This is so amazing since there were only 26 children the first day.  In the afternoon VBS in the small village of Berezihno, the Lord brought 26 children.  Once again, we have seen God bring more children to these VBS camps.  Today's lesson was on the life of Jesus including His birth and miracles.  The children also heard the parable of the Prodigal son that Jesus told and which clearly communicates the Father's love and His desire for all people to repent and come "home".  Please pray for Thursday's VBS camps as our leaders share how Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins.  Tomorrow we will present the gospel and the children will have an opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord!  Thank you in advance for your prayers.
During the afternoon, the FBC Norfolk missionaries had a special time of leading songs of worship and also shared a drama message about Daniel's friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and God's deliverance and protection.  God is using our Norfolk missionaries to share God's great love through Jesus Christ to all of the children who are coming to camp.   Tomorrow's message will be on Daniel and the Lion's den and how God once again brought His deliverance.  Jesus Christ came to deliver all of mankind by dying on the cross for our sins and tomorrow the children will have an opportunity to turn from their sin and turn to Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord.   Please earnestly pray for God to open the hearts of these precious young souls as the message of Christ is shared.

Prior to the afternoon church camp in Bilkivitsi, our entire team had the privilege of ministering to one of Pastor Vasily's church members who is homebound and very ill.  Valia is a precious servant of God who, in the past, has cooked meals for our team but is now bed ridden and on many pain medications.  Our entire team gathered in a small back room of Valia's small house and had a beautiful time of praying over her.  Truly the tears flowed from our eyes as we covered Valia with our prayers and as we asked God to heal her and comfort her.  After our time of prayer, our team shared one of our Russian songs ,"You are Holy, Lord".  As you can imagine, God's presence was so overwhelming as we all were worshipping our Savior with our sister in the Lord.  Yes, tears were flowing and it was one of the most blessed moments we have experienced this week.   God truly inhabits the praise of His people and the praise of those who are suffering like Valia.  We ask for you all to pray for Valia and for God's touch upon her weary and hurting body.  He is Jehovah Rapha and is more than able to heal our sister in Christ here in Ukraine!  Amen!

As part of our mission each day, a portion of our team walks throughout a village to invite people to our evangelistic service which is held each night. Today our team walked throughout the village of Berezihno which is the same location as that of our afternoon VBS camp.  This village of about 500 people does not have a Baptist church but actually has both a Russian Orthodox church and a Ukrainian Orthodox church.  Though we were met with some resistance to our invitations, our team had a blessed time as they invited many people to come hear the greatest news…Jesus saves.  Tonight's service was once again a very precious encounter with our living Savior as He glorified Himself as we sang, shared testimonies and proclaimed God's Word.  We were so thrilled to see that about 50-60 people attended our evangelistic service.  God spoke through Alicia Hanaczewski as she testified of her spiritual journey and how God brought her to the point of repenting of her sins and following Jesus Christ.  Oh the beauty of the Lord that radiated through Alicia.  Tears once again flowed.  In addition, Hannah Stagg shared her testimony of God's saving and glorious love.  What a blessing it was to hear Hannah give her testimony in Russian.  Hannah is a Russian and Music major at Texas A & M and is in her second year of learning this beautiful language.  As she spoke, God moved with power through her words and heart.  There was such a hush over the crowd as she glorified God.  Following our song, "He Still Saves", Mike Kynett shared the gospel message of Jesus from key passages found in John 15, John 10 and John 3:16.  What a powerful and pointed message God spoke through Mike.  Pastor Vasily extended the invitation and there were approximately 7 people who prayed the sinner's prayer.  Halleluah, What a Savior!  There is great rejoicing in heaven over these who turned to Jesus Christ!!

Folks, sharing Jesus Christ and seeing people make the most important decision in their life will never ever get old.  If you know of someone who has never repented and received God's gift of salvation, then please pray for them.  If you have not yet shared Jesus with them, then why not today?  You and I have been given God's greatest gift, His one and only Son.  Oh, may we not keep Jesus to ourselves.  May we be bold for Jesus Christ and live for His glory and tell His story to those walking in spiritual darkness.  Let's live His mission until the day He calls us home or until He takes His bride home to be with Him.

Until tomorrow, know that we love you and thank you for being on mission with us here in Ukraine as you intercede on our behalf.

Slava Bog!

Your Ukraine Mission Team