Dear Prayer Warriors,
Jesus said, "Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest."
As servants of Jesus Christ, it is even more important and imperative that we are out in the "field of souls". Jesus said the "harvest is plenty but the laborers are few"! God has called and commissioned us all to go and take His message to a lost and dying world. Do we bear the "mark" of the mission as evidenced through getting our "hands dirty" and doing whatever it takes to make an eternal difference in the lives of many people? Oh may you and I be on mission with Jesus Christ and be about rescuing those who are on the path of destruction and eternal separation from God.
Our team has had a wonderful week filled with long yet fruitful days of ministry. Yes, we are tired and it seems as though our rest seems shorter each night. Oh but the joy of planting spiritual seeds of faith and the knowledge that God is using and working through us to be a part of seeing Him gather the harvest of souls is a blessing beyond description. Truly, the spiritual soil is extremely rich in this region of Ukraine . We have seen God's handiwork in our two VBS camps, in our Bilkivtsi church camp and in our evangelistic services.
Today was our last day for our VBS camps in the villages of Glybchytcia and Berezihno. All week long the Lord blessed us with a great host of children whom He brought to hear the greatest truth of all…"For God so loved". In Glybhcytcia the Lord brought 75 children today. Our missionaries reviewed with the children all that they had learned this week. What great joy it is to know that they have memorized John 3: 16 and the truth of God's love for their souls. As we shared with you yesterday, 70 children indicated that they had repented. Our team spoke to them today about their decision and how that they had a spiritual birthday yesterday. Once again, our leaders shared today the plan of salvation with the children and for those whom the Lord might be speaking to about repenting. What a joy it is for us to share that one little precious girl stood up and came up to the front to pray with one of our interpreters. Praise the Lord for Tanya who is now a child of God! After she finished praying, all of the children celebrated with Tanya with a roaring applause! Hallelujah!
In our VBS camp in Berezihno, the Lord brought a combined total of 18 children and teenagers today. It was such a blessing for our missionaries to know that all 18 of these young lives had indicated that they had repented yesterday. Sherry Goth commented on how blessed she was to see the spiritual transformation of a 17 year old boy who became a leader among the other students and children as the week progressed. There is no telling how God will use this young follower of Jesus Christ!
Without question the Lord blessed our VBS camps. As you can imagine, it was certainly difficult to say goodbye to the children. There were many tears and hugs with the conclusion of our week with them. One thing is for certain, we will one day see many of these children again in heaven! Glory to God for His love that reached down and touched these precious lives. Please pray for Pastor Vasily and his leaders as they follow up with these children. Each of the children received a Bible story book in Ukrainian along with information about a bus ministry provided by Pastor Vasily. Pastor Vasily will be picking up as many children as possible to come to the Studenytsia church that he leads. Pastor Vasily also spent time talking with the teenagers about coming to a church camp which will be held in the next few weeks. We are so thankful for God's vision and the strategy that He has given Pastor Vasily for reaching this generation for Jesus Christ! Please earnestly pray for Pastor Vasily and his servant leaders as they labor for souls and make disciples.
Because yesterday was the final day of the church camp in Bilkivtsi, our FBC Norfolk missionaries and a portion of our Calvary missionaries went to the town of Malin to invite people to our evangelistic service tonight. In fact, after lunch our entire team joined together and went into the streets, markets, hospital and neighboring houses to invite people to come to our service.
When we began our service tonight, we were so delighted to have approximately 50 plus people in attendance. Our team gave out many, many invitations today and we were certain that God brought the exact number of people He had intended to be with us to hear His truth. Our team sang for the Lord and in fact we knew He was singing through us as we lifted our voices to Him. Aline Kidd and Tami Stagg shared the powerful love of Jesus Christ and their salvation testimony to the people who attended. I (John) had the joy of sharing God's Word once again and when the time of invitation came, 8 adults prayed the "sinner's prayer". As they were praying, I could not help but imagine the celebration that was taking place in heaven over these precious new children of God! It will never get old seeing people come to Jesus Christ! Amen!!
We have had a great day and look forward to a much needed and deserved day of rest tomorrow. Our team will be able to relax and refresh tomorrow with some free time in Zhytomyr. We will also have a BBQ with our host families at the river. On Sunday our team will lead worship and share the good news of Jesus at two Baptist churches here in Zhytomyr. Please pray for God to move in and through us once again as we exalt and lift up the name and gospel of Jesus Christ.
As always, we love you and thank you for your earnest and faithful prayers. We look forward to sharing with you on Sunday all that God has done! Until then, may we all live God's mission in order to reach one more precious soul for Jesus Christ.
Slava Bog!